Your comments

Hi Michael,
many thanks for the quick feedback!

I followed the instructions to the letter. the only thing i had to do differently was when I downloaded with the wget. It gave me a download.php which I had to rename. I checked the file and it is the same as the troubleshooting script.

Regarding the network loss, I use a fixed ip address. Please note, I have been using the NAS for a long time and I have not had any issues - the system has been up for many months. What happens is that after i access ubooquity a few times (via safari from a MAC on the same network), I suddenly lose the network graph on the DSM portal. I then go to the network monitoring and it tells me that the connection is lost. I can still access DSM, but it seems that some applications within DSM believe there no connection. For example, DS Download is stuck. In addition, when i restart the NAS, the ubooquity does not restart automatically. I did put the file in the directory as per tutorial, but is does not work. Are there different directories??
Many thanks

Stephen Fazio