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OPDS via Chunky Comic Reader is slow

Jeremy Bone 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 15
I'm not sure if the problem is with Ubooquity, Chunky, or my network, but connecting with Chunky to Ubooquity installed on a Synology is really slow. It takes 20+ seconds for each page to load. At first I thought it could be an issue connecting over the internet, but I also tested it locally with the same results. I don't think it's an issue with my network, as Ubooquity web interface loads rather quickly (~2 seconds per page), and my Synology streams other services, including videos, just fine. I also tested ComicStreamer, a different comic streaming service (which I believe uses REST), and it loads comics much faster from Chunky. Is there anything I can do within Ubooquity to help improve the speed?

Public network issue now ..

adam ball 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 2
Im in the uk with SKY fibre. changed firewall rule and inbound settings in hub. . err_connection refused ??? any ideas . cheers in advance.... noobquity user .:P
Under review

Scanner thread does not end

Claus44 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 5
I'm a enthusiastic newbee. I have installed Ubooquity two days ago in version 1-7-6 on my QNAP NAS. It was very easy to install. The server runs, my siblings can access the server and download books. Very good!
Now the server runs since two days, but the scanner thread does not end. My problem: After the initial setup with one directory, I have added three more shared directories, but the books in this directories do not appear in Ubooquity. When I click "Launch new scan" I get this information in the logfile:
20150909 17:39:43 [pool-2-thread-18] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Ignoring scan request as another scan is already running.
But the last entry with scanning is from yesterday:
20150908 13:58:06 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.fileformat.pdf.c - Reading metadata of pdf file: /share/MD0_DATA/ePub/Akers, Alan Burt/52 - Dray Prescot - Mord aud Kregen/52 - Dray Prescot - Mord aud Kregen - Alan Burt Akers.pdf

I hope, somebody can help me.

ubooquity for large traffic

Pavs m 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 9
I have setup ubooquity succesfully and I really love it. The problem is I have open it up for public and shared my link to 100s of users who are using it everyday and it seems to have put real stress on the server, it can be very slow during heavy traffic (I have checked on the network and disk io and the problem is not there). My question is is there anything I can do to make it faster to load?

Web application ARchive

Rugl 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 2

Could Ubookquity distribution be installed in Tomcat (.war instead of .jar).


PC browser reader navigation

Jim Howe 10 years ago updated by Tom 10 years ago 6
The hotspots for page up and down are great on touchscreen, but it would be nice if the left and right arrow keys could flip pages from the keyboard.

Extra comics button?

Mattias Johansson 8 years ago updated by Tom 8 years ago 8

Hi guys,

I just installed Ubooquity on my NAS and got it worked with a little help. :)

Now, when I surf into the server and I choose the Comics button

Image 67

I got to press another button to actually get to the Comics.

Image 68

Why is that?

Here is also the path in my webbrowser when I see the Comics folders after I press the second button. (The second button appears without the 1):

Image 69


New comic reader not working with reverse proxy prefix

darknessgp 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 4
Just found this one. I have a reverse proxy prefix of "comics". So I access ubooquity via "[site]/comics". When trying the new comic reader, it only loads the below... Looking at the source code, all the links to css and javascript are not relative to the actual page, instead they are all like this "href="/comicreader/comicreader.css"> " whereas they are actually at "[site]/comics/comicreader/comicreader.css".

Image 41


1.7.5 headless option still requires X11 service

thingfromspace 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 3
Running the 1.7.5 jar with the -headless option seems to still require a running X11 service. First line of logs in a new run:

connect /tmp/.X11-unix/X0: No such file or directory

Additionally when a scan is run, it looks like the scan thread crashes because of the X11 requirements. No items are scanned and added to the DB:

20150324 09:26:31 [Scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20150324 09:26:31 [Scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.database.b - Inserting/updating comic entry in database : /xxxxx
20150324 09:26:31 [Scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.b.c - Reading metadata of comic file: /xxxxx/xxxxx.cbr
20150324 09:26:31 [Scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.database.b - Inserting/updating comic entry in database : /xxxxx/xxxxx.cbr
20150324 09:26:33 [Scanner thread] ERROR com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Uncaught exception on thread: Scanner thread
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_75]
	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:191) ~[na:1.7.0_75]
	at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.createGE(GraphicsEnvironment.java:102) ~[na:1.7.0_75]
	at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(GraphicsEnvironment.java:81) ~[na:1.7.0_75]
	at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.createGraphics(BufferedImage.java:1182) ~[na:1.7.0_75]
	at com.ubooquity.f.d.a(SourceFile:124) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.f.d.a(SourceFile:34) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.data.feeder.b.a(SourceFile:72) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a.b(SourceFile:518) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a.c(SourceFile:458) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a.b(SourceFile:39) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a$1.run(SourceFile:127) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.7.5]
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) ~[na:1.7.0_75]

Running the jar with the java opt "-Djava.awt.headless=true" seems to no longer require X11 (the X11 connect log entry doesn't show up). Scans work as expected with no scan thread crashes.

Recommended settings to use when creating CBZ files?

Tom Davies 8 years ago updated by Tom 5 years ago 10

I ran into a strange problem today. I converted a large number of my comic files from CBR to CBZ using 7-zip. I un-rar-ed the files to folders, then zipped them back up using these settings:

7z a -mx0 -mmt4 my_new_comic_file.cbz *.*

a = archive

mx0 = no compression

mmt4 = use all 4 CPU cores

After I zipped up all my files and deleted the old CBRs, I rescanned the folder tree with Ubooquity. It processed the files but many of my newly zipped CBZs were not recognized. When I checked the Ubooquity log, I found errors like this one:

20160125 11:02:15 [Scanner thread] WARN com.ubooquity.f.a - Failed to read file, will try to guess format: M:\eBooks\Comics\Azrael\Azrael v2\Azrael v2 #003.cbz
20160125 11:02:15 [Scanner thread] WARN com.ubooquity.f.a - Failed to guess file format

This happened to a couple hundred files. I went to the specific file and opened it and read it in another reader/viewer (Honeyview), and I couldn't see anything wrong with it. I opened ComicRack and rescanned my folders and the comics showed up fine in ComicRack. Just because I couldn't think of anything else to try I had ComicRack convert the files to CBZ (even though they were already CBZ files). It took a while, but when it was finished, I rescanned with Ubooquity and all bad files comics were fixed.

That leads me to assume that whatever settings that I'm using when I manually zip the files aren't good for Ubooquity. So my question is, what settings should I use? I have a mess more CBRs to convert.
