Your comments

Hmmm .. that seems like an interesting idea .. though I'm wondering if it can be automated. Something like

Identify story arc

Identify comics in story arc

create folder for story arch under publisher

create links from existing comics to story arch comics ( dont want dups )

I guess I need to know more about the database. Comic Tagger shows it knows a comic is a part of a Storc Arc, but it doesn't seem to know the order number with the arc. It would be nice to have the arcs

Is it possible to do Story Arcs ... or is this a Tom question? Example Dark Seid War. Would have it's own image cover of cover for story arc

And then the comics would be listed as follows:

Divergence #1 (2015) – The Justice League story.

Justice League Vol. 2 #40
Justice League Vol. 2 #41
Justice League Vol. 2 #42
Justice League Vol. 2 #43
Justice League Vol. 2 #44

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Batman #1 (2015)

Justice League Vol. 2 #45

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Flash #1 (2016)

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Superman #1 (2016)

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Green Lantern #1 (2016)

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Shazam #1 (2016)

Justice League: The Darkseid War: Lex Luthor #1 (2016)

Justice League Vol. 2 #46
Justice League Vol. 2 #47
Justice League Vol. 2 #48

Justice League: Darkseid War Special #1 (2016)

Justice League Vol. 2 #49
Justice League Vol. 2 #50

what if you grabbed the description from comicvine and comixoligy, and kept the one with the largest descriptio

My thought exactly, I'd rather have an image if one can't be found because it keep the website look and feel consistent. I think in this example north looks good.

The 302 here means google thinks you're a bot

( Link to changed version, try it out ) Basically I made a few minor updates to grab the comic id and then the URL to the image.

Two program need to be installed, but so far I'm pretty pleased with the matching ( Except for IDW )

sudo apt-get install agrep <- This does fuzzy matching

sudo apt-get install mogrify <- This will let you manipulate images from command line

there's the chicken and egg problem. You need the comicid from comixoligy to get the correct image 100% of the time. Google and others will treat you like a red headed step child; I mean bot if you try to get it from them. Comixoligy search is rubbish since it provides you what you're looking for in no consistent order. It is further complicated by if you're searching on a collection vs a series, but it consistently provides the bookid

Take this search as an example

curl --get -s -A $useragent "" | grep series

Here you get a lot of data, but pay attention to that little anchor title="Big Man Plans" in the feed. You can easily match on that. This however breaks on some collections

What happens if you go to the DC Comics directory then run the following command

cd '/mnt/e/COMICS/DC comics'

find . -name *cvinfo -exec /opt/PageBuilder/ {} \;