Your comments

great work!  love the download feature. presume we must manually clean this up as necessary
Don't understand the tracking/ interval part...?

Tom thanks.  that was exactly my problem as well.  I assumed the proper way connect it was via opds, and never thought of the web browser built in.  

This works great.
***Is there any benefit to the chunky web browser vs. any other browser for ios,  if i have no other use for Chunky?

thanks in advance !

thanks for the comments.  Again those solutions are the same as I'm having issues with - downloading the files manually.

the 2nd solution defeats the purpose of hosting your own book server.

Most of my books are in older pdf format.

When you have extensive libraries this is not feasible.  Caching I presume is what the +viewer app for android is doing...?

anybody please-
Is there a IOS app that can function like viewer+ for android for ubooquity via OPSD

thanks in advance