Your comments

It does, but it doesn't use it for grouping. It uses file names (with a fallback to folders) for grouping into series. The comicinfo right now is limited to populating description (although further data parsing is planned in the release after next)

It's pretty different to Ubooquity though since it uses filenames for parsing and does grouping based on filenames rather than folder.

Ahh totally understand. It's a bit of a shift from the simple (and flexible) layout that Ubooquity has. 

That being said, I'm not sure Ubooquity has this functionality exposed (at least when I looked at modifying a theme). Maybe one of the themes, like Comixology, can do this. 

Kavita supports reading text epubs (aka not making them images like Komga) if you want to give that a try and it also supports archives like Ubooquity (including zips/rars). Sorry for replying 2 years later (but Komga still doesn't support epubs as text)

You might want to try an alternate solution like Komga or Kavita. Both these software have ability to remember progress. Personally I like Kavita more in terms of UX and speed. 

If you guys are looking for something that is Open Source and inspired from Ubooquity and Plex, you should check out Kavita. I'm the developer of it. I started with Ubooquity last year but since it was dead at the time and missing some features like metadata, I ended up building my own.

You can take a look at it here. It has everything and more that Ubooquity had.