Your comments

Thanks. I'm so happy!! Finally.

I'm not proficient enough with macs to own one I think. I have windows in a virtual box for when I get tired of mac.

Test it out here:

Okay I got it!

I tried in Chunky to input my true ip (66.130 etc. instead of 216.113) and it worked!!!

It worked!!!

You've been of great support, thanks.

I would want a reply from dev to see how ubooquity gets the public network address. In my case, my public ip goes like this: 66.130 etc but my public network address is said to be 216.113 etc

That doesn't make sense. I don't own that public address that ubooquity is assigning to me.

Ok, I talked with my ISP and they say that it's weird that I would get that address as public network address.

They ask me to ask how did I get that address, which belongs to some other member.

No, not working.

Ack. I have to go to bed!

We'll see tomorrow.

You think that's the problem? I will turn that into port 900 to see.

I don't get it because I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do already if I judge from your guide website. My router is model RT-AC68U btw.

My interrogation comes from the public network address. I googled it and it's an address that is supposed to be from another city, w. same internet provider than mine.

Well, I want to know your secret!

How do you redirect traffic in an asus router? I'm using port forwarding but with no success.

And I appreciate that I you borrowed a mac for this.

ps: While playing in the router too much I managed to get myself locked out of the router and without internet! I just now got it working again...