Your comments

Did you get my messages about Chunky being available on the iphone? It's available on invite through an app called Testflight (app testing). Contact the dev to get an invite

The difference with my plex server is that Ubooquity is not allowed as an application in the mac's firewall. And it's greyed out if I try to add it to the list.

Thanks for taking the time.

Yes, I have port forwarding set up and port triggering. I tried to put firewall off, nothing works.

Please provide help. Thanks.

If you do get Chunky for iPhone, know that you have to put the iPhone in landscape mode to access the cloud icon and thus the servers input section. If you click on cloud icon in portrait, nothing happens.

additionnal info: Chunky for iPhone is being worked on but still needs work so it's available through TestFlight.

Actually I have Chunky on my iPhone but you need an invite from dev to get it. Contact the dev.