Your comments

The gap above your Marvel and DC banner is because you still have unused elements in your folder-info.
Everything between the link line and the header div can be removed.

I actually just found the cause of this working on something else, it's that #folderinfo is normally below the header in #group but it does that if it's below (since #folderinfo was copied to the top). I should have a fix out shortly.

Awesome, thanks! Mind if I make it official, with attribution of course?

Glad you go it sorted.

Don't suppose I could get a copy of that logo, I like it better than mine. :)

The latest themeScript.js/release on GitHub has a fix for this, by setting displayTitleInsteadOfFileName to true it'll disable parseLabel.

Is that ID set to your Publisher page in the JS? It defaults to null, you have to manually set it (ie. mine is /comics/1/ so I set the value to 1).

Something weird is happening with your breadcrumb text, not sure what's up there.

Yeah, the parseLabel is pretty much only setup for use with issue filenames instead of book titles. I'd add a check for that setting, but it's not exposed in the API.

I can add a setting to disable it for the next revision.

Will do, good luck with the overhaul!

No problem, it's become that "what's the last bit of data I can't really access" sort of a thing. I'm excited to see what comes of the redesign, I'll be able to strip a lot of hacky js, so that'll be nice.

With the read/unread status, could we get access to a list of in-progress too? I could do fun stuff with that kind of data.