Your comments

So I figured this one out by hitting it myself. You need to put your comicvine api key in

Nice! That's a definite improvement! I'll roll that into the next release, if you don't mind.

I'll have to look closer at my setup, see if I'm using something that I'm not realizing isn't standard. Plus the imageGet script needs some work, too much bulk (since I started with a function I googled).

So the Publisher page is the first I did any heavy theming on, I'm wondering if it's not displaying page controls (since I've never had any there to test). I'll update that for the next release.

Ohh, I know what it is. Marvel has a oddly long header, probably screwed up everything. I'll make one button-friendly for the next update.

Try running: /mnt/d/Comics/Dc\ Comics/Action\ Comics\ \(V2016\)/cvinfo

from the folder PageBuilder is in. You shouldn't need the sh handler if I did things right. The script I borrowed for ImageGet (and now subsequently need to gut) is having issues parsing paths. If that doesn't work, remove the whole mdirs function from it.

Hmm, I'll see what I can do.

So when you pass the quoted name, it's actually ignoring the year. I was trying various things to get around this, but I think that's actually beneficial. Larger runs on Comixology have the year in them to differentiate, so passing the year gets the right thing. Smaller things don't, so when you throw a year into the mix it's actually skipping the right image.

That'll probably be my next move. No year, quoted name.

The code looks fine, and the css for those elements is in comics.css, so it should be applying. Maybe it's a caching issue?

You found what's probably making up most of the wrong images. While I can recreate it, I don't know exactly how to solve it. This will eat at me until I do though, this whole project is a symptom of that problem. :)