Your comments

Couple more questions. I'm running my server behind a reverse proxy, so I had to edit most of the CSS and HTML files to support that. My questions are this:

How come on the Recent Additions page, the New, Browse and Mobile links are greyed out/unusable? Where can I find the code to work on making those active? Along the same lines, on all series pages, the same links are disabled. On the Publishers page, just the Mobile link is disabled.

Second question: How come Recent Additions is simply showing each individual comic, rather than showing the publisher like someone showed above, with the publisher showing X Issue(s) being added?

Thanks again.

OK, thanks for the quick replies.

I'm not sure if you saw my reply below, but basically it was due to my adblock program refusing to let the CSS load. I added the domain to the whitelist and it works now. I do have a new question though. Some of the publishers are not displaying the comics on one page, instead they're splitting across two. Dark Horse Comics, Zenescope and Valiant are the offenders, and I can't figure out why that is. Here's what they look like:

Along the same lines, do you have any idea why pages 2+ don't keep the formatting, or how to manage to get it to keep the formatting?

I figured out what the problem was. My adblock program was blocking the CSS from working properly

This theme so far is awesome, however I'm running into a couple problems that aren't very clear. From your screenshots, it looks like you're running on Windows while I'm on Ubuntu, but I don't know that that should really cause much in terms of usability problems. The issue I'm running into is that some pages aren't being served up like the others. For example, Latest Comics is showing the default Ubooquity theme rather than the Comixology theme, and the publishers page isn't showing the theme either, even though the individual publishers mostly do.

Here's 3 screenshots showing what I'm referring to: