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just checkin in.

I quit trying to put linux on android cause, my phone was to weak and i dont have enough memory and etc etc... So if anyone has tried this or knows another way (without spending money) i'm all ears

i live in Portugal and i dont know if this is a problem for you all to but i can get a raspberry pi under 50€ (56$) and as i'm not a spender, i thought of this:

What if i could get ubooquity running on an old android phone?

First i read that you could install linux and do a bunch of stuff etc, but dont know why, i couldnt do it. Also it was a bit to advanced for me.

Then i wondered if it could run ubooquity as it is, being a jar file. And it turns out there are some apps that can run Jar files. With this i could put all my comics in a sdcard, plug it in to the phone, run the app, configure it, plug the phone in the usb ports of the router (so it's always charging) and it's done.

Now, i'm not at home but when i get there i will try this and let you know about this adventure

I searched Comicrack forums and found out that it only writes metadata on CBZ files and cant write on CBR. So if I select all the comics, scrap them (they are all scrapped, but just to be sure), update book files and update webcomics, and finally export them as CBZ the metadata is embedded in them. The only thing is i got one thousand and so on comics, and the export process takes some time depending on the size of the CBR, so isnt there anyway that ubooquity could read the ComickDB.xml that's in the ComicRack folder and show the info of the selected comic?

That would make everything easier and i wouldnt spend time either exporting CBR to CBZ or making myself the ComicInfo.xml by hand

the comicinfo.xml doesnt appear on the comic although they are all scrapped and updated through ComicRack.

i could send you the comics for you to see it but i cant upload them there.