Your comments

Why stop? The brower-only option is pretty cool! It also give people an option who may not be using Mylar. Keep it!

Hmm yeah my filesystems have _ and no spaces, but that's an easy fix ... just need to change variables from $var to "$var" in the code to interpolate spaces ;-)

Scott, take a logic in arcScanner .. it take a different approach and assumes you will have mylar manage the directory after you build the arc directory since mylar can't manage the csv file .. that's kinda why I deviate from the csv file .. mylar can manage story arc it just can't create hard links ... for your purposes, just take out the imagemagic logic and have it call imageGet for the pics

That's easy assuming you want the Star Wars after 226941

echo "${serachval}" | cut -d"," -f2 | sed 's/.* "//g' | sed 's/"//g'

LOL no but you set off my WTF flags LOL

Does this mean bookmarks will work across devices? Also maybe consider naming inject.js something else since that kinda a know virus! Keep up the good work

For story arcs would it be possible for them to appear on the main page for a comic? Here's an example. The arcScanner built out three in series arc for one piece ( The Arc directory in the image below isn't normally there. Just put it there for testing)

Usually a page will look like this

Can the css and folder-html support this?

Where the arc appears on the main page for the comic? Where the three story arc appear below the comics?

Hey all, thought I'd chip in if you're looking for a way to create hard links for your story arcs. This will scan all of the comics in a path and create hard links to the story arcs. It will also create a cvinfo file and a cover.jpg if a jpeg image exist on comic vine. Though be warned people IMHO are very liberal in what's considered a story arc.


sudo apt-get install xml2
sudo apt-get install convert

How to execute

copy the script into your pagebuilder directory and add execute perms
add your api key to the code
execute for an publisher


./ -p /media/Library_X/Comic/DC_Comics/Justice_League_2011/ -d /media/Library_X/Comic/StoryArcs [ Good for you to see what you have ]


./ -p /media/Library_X/Comic/DC_Comics/ -d /media/Library_X/Comic/StoryArcs [ Recommend ]
./ -p /media/Library_X/Comic/ -d /media/Library_X/Comic/StoryArcs [ NOT Recommend ]

If you want details about what the code is doing run add -x

./ -p /media/Library_X/Comic/DC_Comics/Justice_League_2011/ -d /media/Library_X/Comic/StoryArcs -x

Bookmarking search results doesn't seem to work for me. Did I do something wrong?

I rebooted all machines involved and suddenly it working .. when it doubt just kick it