Your comments

I'd really love to get this fixed, but I don't know what I can do to help!

Are there any logs or things I can do to try and help pin it down?

I'm having the same issue Kenji did. If I turn security on, no comics show up, even though I've added my user account to the folder. If I turn security off, they show up. I'm on macOS 10.12.4.

Here's my preferences.json:

"filesPaths" : [ ],
"comicsPaths" : [ {
"pathString" : "<comicspathhere>",
"userName" : [ "<listofusernameshere>" ] } ],
"booksPaths" : [ ],
"users" : [ {

} ],
"isFilesProviderEnabled" : false,
"isComicsProviderEnabled" : true,
"isBooksProviderEnabled" : false,
"isUserManagementEnabled" : false,
"libraryPortNumber" : 2202,
"adminPortNumber" : 2203,
"comicWidth" : 160,
"comicHeight" : 230,
"comicsPaginationNumber" : 30,
"bookWidth" : 160,
"bookHeight" : 230,
"booksPaginationNumber" : 30,
"minimizeToTray" : false,
"minimizeOnStartup" : false,
"autoscanPeriod" : 0,
"isRemoteAdminEnabled" : false,
"theme" : "default",
"isShrinkingCacheEnabled" : false,
"shrunkPageWidth" : 1536,
"shrunkPageHeight" : 2500,
"shrinkingCachePath" : "",
"autoScanAtLaunch" : true,
"reverseProxyPrefix" : "",
"keystorePath" : "",
"keystorePassword" : "",
"isOpdsProviderEnabled" : true,
"folderExclusionPattern" : "",
"bypassSingleRootFolder" : false,
"enableFolderMetadataDisplay" : false,
"bookmarkUsingCookies" : false,
"displayTitleInsteadOfFileName" : false

Ok, never mind, I'm an idiot. You can sort the collection by date descending, which does what I want. Thanks for making the software, BTW, it's awesome :D

Alternatively, maybe showing all comics from latest scan, or by date