Your comments


I wrote it for a test, but because of the way docker share folders between the host and the container, the theme don't work like that (it is not displayed at all). I never troubleshooted that part of the script, so don't worry, no one is able to use it directly from my image ;)

Of course, no problem for me to remove these part :)


That a different point of view, your solution need the user to do the update manualy. Mine need users to wait after me to update my image, but for them its fully automated.

Both have advantages and drawbacks.

great, all feed back are welcomes :)

As cromignon doesn't seems to reply; I made my own docker repository :

So you can pull the image directly from :

docker pull zerpex/ubooquity-docker

Confirmed, it works without ANY error with the following configuration :

Alpine linux with java 8.

I made a docker repo for this version : docker pull zerpex/ubooquity-docker

It's a community solution, not an official one.

Also, keep in mind that's it's a beta version.

Wait for an official announce from @Tom.

Just tryed and it works flawlessly.

You're right, it was the good ports when I made the post, but since I "normilized" them to make it simplier.. just forgot to update here.

Good ports are :

2202 for Ubooquity

2502 for admin

Sorry !

My bad... I guessed that as there is a specific port for admin page, it was accessible through /.

it is working through /admin !

Thanks @SwedishGojira