Your comments

Pretty sure the thumbnails are created WHEN it creates a database. I needed high res thumbnails so I made the thumbnail size larger than the css size. A rescan didn't generate new ones so I deleted my database and rescanned. After rescan the thumbnails were crystal clear. You could try going into your server and deleting the thumbnail folder but it just error when loading the image, that or just rename the folder they are located in and if it doesn't generate you could reverse the name change.

Worked perfectly. Made the admin about 100px bigger in both directions and now it looks perfect. I have plenty of space on my Server and I already compressed the comics down so I don't mind the extra space it might add because I've already knocked off 40% of the size on each comic.

You were 100% correct. The FileStation update erased my .conf. MY dev friend that has been helping me with this helped me get it back online and updated to 2.0 with Materialized installed. He said I should only need to paste this code in, in the future to add the conf back in.

sudo cp /etc/init/ubooquity.conf ~

Hasn't been tested yet. I will reply the next time this happens and I try this.

As a note it seems File Station updated. Why would that trash my ubooquity?