Your comments

Thanks for detailed explanation TieparkToni.

Spending time to read books is nice as well, but to know where the problem are and to solve them is more fun.

I love to spend time with my Linux system, even if there are problems like this.

Unfortunately are my Linux experience very small and so i´m learning with "try & error".

Never mind with 2.1, 1.10 is working perfekt.

If i will update to Debian 9, i will try 2.x again :-)

Best regards


Hi Claus44, this is nearly the issue like i have.

I was going back to 1.10 as well.

It will be interesting, if this is the solution.

TierparkToni, maybe you remeber my issue. My installation and my share Ebook content on different devices.

And i mount the Harddisk into my Debian system. Could this be a problem?

As i told you at the other Topic, the Java Version and the start parameter are exactly the same (just without the admin Port) and after scan it ist not possible to enter the webcontent at Version 2.10.

Hello Toni, after all it dosn´t work.

I think i will go back to 1.10 and in a few weeks change to Debian 9.x.

It is not possible for me to define the problem so far.

Thanks anyway.

After starting scan it worked.

But again the Libary scan was finished and i was not able to connect.

I stopped Ubooquity and set the rights for the Database to rwx for everybody.

Who is the owner of the Folder? I made the Folder rights to root???

I startet with the init.d script and still the same problem.

After manual start with :

" usr/bin/java -jar /opt/ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar --headless --remoteadmin --libraryport 8888 "

I´m able to connect, but some of the Database is lost. So, again a new scan.

Maybe cause i have changed the rights of the database.

Never the less, here is a part of my init.d script:

# Provides:          Ubooquity
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Ubooquity
# Description:       Ubooquity for ebook management

# Documentation available at
# Debian provides some extra functions though
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

export UBOOQUITY_HOME=/opt/ubooquity
DAEMON_OPTS="-jar /opt/ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar --headless --remoteadmin --libraryport 8888"
DAEMON_DESC=$(get_lsb_header_val $0 "Short-Description")

[ -r "/etc/default/${DAEMON_NAME}" ] && . "/etc/default/${DAEMON_NAME}"

do_start() {
  local result

        pidofproc -p "${DAEMON_PID}" "${DAEMON_PATH}" > /dev/null
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                log_warning_msg "${DAEMON_NAME} is already started"


Yes, that´s what i did.

As i wrote, the unusal behavior is, that i could connect and administrate everything.

Like in 1.10, this version was installed before and worked perfect.

After scan in version 2.10 / 2.02 (i tried out both versions) i wasn´t able to connect, not as an Admin or User neither from inside or outside my network.

But i will try it, later @home.


Ups, okay.

Yes, Ubooquity is on my server and i want to connect only with my private network as a remotadmin.

Not only with one client, also with all clients in my network (as Admin).

The Libary should be available outside my private network as well.

So i missunderstood the manual. I will try your proposal.

Thanks very much.


Hello, it seems that i have nearly the same problem with a Debian server.

After Database scan Ubooquity stops the access to the web page.

A reboot dosn´t help, i´ll have to remove the Database and than Ubooquity starts to scan. Meanwhile i have full access to the webpage and configuration page.

If the scan is finished, nothing works anymore.

With the status of Ubootquity is working, maybe a java problem?

How about the rights of the database? I gave the Folder to a default user and the database to 755.

I´m not the Linux specialist, just try and work with any manual i can get and hope it works :-)

Maybe someone could help?

Thx Kaily