Your comments

anyone having problems with this, mine no longer works

I use AirDC++ myself. I thought mylar only used torrent/usenet 

Guys I used Mylar for quite some time but once 32p shutdown it seemed kind useless. Are you using usenet as your sources now?

Really great, I like it

could you explain how you switched the positions of the issue no. and title please?

it took me a few goes. You need to get all of the files from the GIT repo not just the one script, that's where I went wrong initially. Then I use the following line C:\Python37\python.exe --scrape-series -D 2 1 -ss -sp

I use the tool to scrape the comixology site once every couple of months and that gives you the folder, the image and the json. If I have one missing between scrapes I do the same as you Bobby and just create one. 

also try Ctrl+f5 and use the function top right to clear the cache?

that's weird, it works perfectly on mine, see images above. did you just grab the odd file rather than the whole pack? 

checkout my posts above, download my modified version.