Your comments
util.js:63 [Xirvik] Options was retrieved.
folderCover?folderinfo=series.json&_=1556377605390:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Folder info resource not found or access not authorized)
themeScript.js:312 The above 404 just means there is no series.json for this page, it can be ignored. - ScooterPSU
it seems it something to do with the grouping. if set to folder, the green bar underneath issues disappears and there is also no way to bookmark an issue.
no but most books are portrait, the aspect ratio could differ slightly. I've not seen a landscape Kindle yet at least :)
I think, looking at it. Ubooquity is ignoring the cover.jpg created by Calibre and is pulling the images from the epub file. I could use the calibre plugin resize xxxxx to give all the books a common size and then 're-convert' from epub to epub which should inject the cover. It would be easier I suppose if Ubooquity read the cover.jpg though
anyone any idea how this can be achieved?
I have that set but can't see any count
would be amazing TBH
Feature Request. when i click on a comic, let's say in the Latest comics section. could there be a way to jump to the whole series section for that comic?
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