Your comments

I am having the same issue with 2.1.0 and Chunky and I don't see any ERROR in the logs.

Great, thanks, it worked. I think this is something worth mentionning in a doc somewhere !
Thanks Tom,
Then I think there's a bug somewhere as I am using \.AppleDouble as a regex (accepted by the test tool) but I still see .AppleDouble folders on ubooquity.
Do you have any suggestions?
Hi, What is the format for this feature? I've tested execluding .AppleDouble folders with this expression /(AppleDouble)/.
But I've not had any success.
FYI, I think I found the issue. I was accessing the admin through http://localhost:2202/admin I tried and it worked. It might help.
I've the exact same problem with 1.7.5 - I also tried 1.7.0 and got the same issue.
Ubooquity is running as root (for testing, will change it later) so there should be no issues with permissions.
Thanks for your help !