Your comments

The link roflcop provided goes through an ad-based file host and the link Tom added to the themes page points to this thread. I've provided a direct download link: You can use this direct link with wget.

How to add to your NAS or Linux based installation:
  1. SSH into your NAS.
  2. Browse to your installation directory.
  3. Open the themes folder.
  4. Download the theme archive to a temporary file, unarchive the file then remove the temporary file with:
    wget -O; unzip; rm
  5. Open the Ubooquity web interface admin page at http://{your install address}:2202/admin
  6. Click edit next to the general settings. Select the Material theme then apply.
Bruno! My bud.

The advantage to re-archiving your files to CBZ is that zip archives are read and written to much quicker than rar. That makes scanning new files and extracting their metadata/thumbnail quicker when your files are zips. We should also support the open standard instead of the proprietary algorithm ;)

You can very quickly convert all of your files by:
  1. Download ZenCBR, place it in your comics root, run and use the 'T' option to have ZenCBR scan all of your files and fix the extension. Many, many, many comics files are incorrectly given the .cbr extension when they are actually zips and also the other way around.
  2. Download ComicRack, install then run the program.
  3. Go to Edit > Preferences and add your comic root to the library.
  4. Right click on smart lists and make a new smart list to show only your CBR files [file format is "eComic (RAR)"]:
  5. Select all of the files now shown in ComicRack, these are your CBR files. Right-click and choose to convert to CBZ:

Regarding the web interface I agree that it is missing some basic functionality, but Tom had mentioned in another thread that the generated html is very closely tied to the program language in such a way that it would be very difficult to externalize the interface for modders and skinners.

I wrote an User Script (greasemonkey) that leveraged jQuery to add in features like caching pages, supporting device widths less than 1024 pixels, manually setting page width and auto-adjusting page-width for less than 1024 pixels, but there was a roadblock where I didn't want to have to go back over the script everytime Ubooquity goes up a version and the GreaseMonkey Firefox addon isn't available in Firefox mobile so I just deleted the script. Oops. Oh well, at least we know it's possible. And if we wanted to go the hacky user script route, yes, we could edit the interface in almost any way we wished, but that is not the ideal long-term solution.
James, it looks like the Java process is running out of its allotted memory. The next time you start the Ubooquity server from the command line add this argument:
This will give Java a total of 1GB of memory to work with. Your Java may be defaulting to giving itself a small, reasonable, amount of RAM like 256MB. Of course, you can tailor the argument to something even higher if you have the RAM to spare. For example, if you have 2GB of RAM to spare use -Xmx2048m.

Your command will look something like this:
java -jar -Xmx1024m Ubooquity.jar
Try to run the server with this extra memory and let Tom know if you still get the out of memory error.

Tom: Do you think that the server might be keeping, in memory, record of every file it runs across? Maybe that is why he's running out of RAM.
Tom, thank you for the clarification. I hope you find a nice balance with development and real life!
James, I know this is marked as answered, but just in case you are still trying to use OPDS in a browser these are two different ways to connect to your server and use two different addresses.

Used in applications like Calibre and Challenger Viewer (Android)

Using your browser to connect to the Ubooquity server.

Once Tom gets back there is a good possibility he'll add decoding because he agreed to add support to the obscure DJVU document format and there are a couple good webp decoders for JAVA including webp-imageio available to him.

I hadn't thought about the fact that the server software would have to decode then re-encode the images for thumbnails. I had assumed the server simply constrained the first page width using CSS or the HTML "width" attribute, but that would make the server send over the entire first page and have the browser squish it, increasing bandwidth requirements by a lot!
Lily, If you open one of your sample books in Calibre does the metadata match the book?

If you open one of your sample comic books in ComicRack does the metadata match the comic book?

This bug may not be Ubooquity, but a result of the metadata in each file having been saved incorrectly by another program.
Thing, Ubooquity probably has an array of files to look for when building the <img> tab that displays the thumbs and pages. That array includes filename extensions like jpg, jpeg, gif, png and other common image formats. I just did a text search through the Ubooquity jar and did not find webp. The author, Tom, will need to simply add "webp" to that array of filename extensions to display.

However, just because Ubooquity builds an image tag that points to a webp image does not mean that you will be able to view the thumbnail or page.

Different browsers have different support for this new image type. Open up this link in a new tab. If you are using FireFox on Windows you won't be able to see the webp image in the bottom right. If you open that link with Chrome you will be able to see the webp image.

It's up to the browser manufacturers to determine what file types to natively support. If you use FireFox to browse your Ubooquity collection post a feature request on the Mozilla forums for them to adopt webp.
"heavily coupled": Right, I was afraid of that. I understand.