Your comments

That makes sense, thanks!

actually, would be good to have a case --nogoogle to be able to skip straight to mogrify.

I have books that will never be on comixology, and the fuzzy search has it finding the wrong thing instead of moving on to mogrify.

EDIT: Actually, I can't get it to load mogrify at all. In what scenario is it supposed to fallback to that? Even if there's one result from comixology that's super-wrong it'll pick it over moving on to mogrify as far as I can tell.

I like that it's a little more verbose now. Still get the ampersand issue, but otherwise seems to work well., and I think it's a great idea to crop/resize cover.jpg to fit if no adequate folder.jpg can be found. I have a lot of stuff that's never been/going to be on Comixology, so it's good to have a fallback.

Oh, and for other mac users, agrep will give some errors when installing on OSX El Capitan.

(see here: It does seem to be included in tre which you can install with homebrew, so that ought to work. I already had mogrify installed via pip. Commands below should work:

brew install tre

sudo -H pip install mogrify

(You left your api key there!)

Might be a webkit thing. I see it in Chrome and Safari but not Firefox. Will dive in later...

(just noticed the commenting system here translated my ampersand-a-m-p-semicolon to &, which is precisely the problem with ampersands!)

(also, the border-right css seems to be all over the place... Not too difficult to fix, but wondering if it's just me?)

Exciting! Can you give us a sneak peek at what else is coming in the next version? :)

I think it's failing to translate ampersands in titles to & for the HTML maybe?

I tried again today, and left it waiting for about 2 minutes and it succeeded!!

I guess I thought it was hanging, but it just takes an unusually long time. This is great! I had already figured I'd just comment the imageGet section out and change the template to use cover.jpg (which mylar provides) instead.. Maybe even add an automator script to crop it to a square... But this is great! Finally!


Now I just need to build a Hazel script to automatically launch the bash script whenever a cvinfo file is created in my comics folder.