Your comments

Okay, got bookmarks working properly by only showing a single page.

Can't get the StoryArcs link to work though - it just goes back to the Publishers page.

Good idea. I've updated my Mylar and ComicRack settings to add padding.

I'm having the same issue :( Was this ever resolved? What's Docker?

Hey there! Love the theme, thanks for posting it! Any chance of adding an indicator of how many issues are unread in a series, like the main theme does?

Also, I just realised that the bookmark icons don't always appear, like on a second page of comics. What should I look out for to make this work all the time?

Oh please ignore this, I've found the feature has alreayd been implemented :)

Hi there. Just started using Ubooquity and I totally love it! But something that I think would massively improve it, is syncing read progress across devices. Store it in profile data or whatever, so you can stop reading at page 7 of whatever issue can carry on on page 7 on another device. It would also be awesome if a new "IN PROGRESS" section could be included on the site, listing any books that are past page 1, and the next issue if the previous issue has reached the final page.

Don't know how feasible any of that is, but it would be awesome :) There would be no need for dedicated comics apps anymore :)
