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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'some' of undefined
at getParent (themeScript.js:1304)
at themeScript.js:518
at HTMLScriptElement.script.onload (themeScript.js:1659)

Maby not much of help but i have indexed 30000+ on Windows 10 with java 8.

I have tried the "/user-api/bookmark" some and it only accepts a valid "docId" and only return that single array (as it should) like Seths example above.

But could it be possible to add something like /user-api/bookmarks" (an "S" at the end) to return an json array of all the bookmarks the user have?

Then maby Seth could use that for "Kuboo" to implement cross device bookmark sync maby?

Then maby it could be used to keep track of bookmarks and positions on the web reader that come with Ubooquity.

And it could be used for solving some of this: