Your comments
Hi again,
I might have been a bit vague when describing how to use it, ;)
example structure:
So your last image should have a lot more theme files and you dont need the bookmarks program in the theme folder if you dont like to.
Easiest if you create a new theme in the admin panel (http://your_ip_address:2203) so it copies all the files for the theme to you new theme folder or if you use the default theme.
Sorry for tthe late reply pppasc, the email was placed in my junk mail.
It sounds like it could be a cashe problem, how did you install it?, could you send a screenshot of you theme folder?
And maybe a screentshot of you development console, it's F12 in chrome so i can see if there are any errors.
To clear the cache you could try press ctrl+F5 (for chrome, not sure about firefox or Edge), also does it work in incognito/private mode?
The python script and the ubooquity server file must be run on the same computer.
here is an almost complete layout:
"filesPaths" : [ ],
"comicsPaths" : [ {
"pathString" : "path_here",
} ],
"booksPaths" : [ {
"pathString" : "path_here",
} ],
"isFilesProviderEnabled" : true,
"isComicsProviderEnabled" : true,
"isBooksProviderEnabled" : true,
"isUserManagementEnabled" : false,
"libraryPortNumber" : 2202,
"adminPortNumber" : 2203,
"comicWidth" : 160,
"comicHeight" : 230,
"comicsPaginationNumber" : 30,
"bookWidth" : 160,
"bookHeight" : 230,
"booksPaginationNumber" : 30,
"minimizeToTray" : true,
"minimizeOnStartup" : true,
"autoscanPeriod" : 0,
"isRemoteAdminEnabled" : true,
"theme" : "theme",
"isShrinkingCacheEnabled" : false,
"shrunkPageWidth" : 1536,
"shrunkPageHeight" : 2500,
"shrinkingCachePath" : "",
"autoScanAtLaunch" : false,
"reverseProxyPrefix" : "",
"keystorePath" : "",
"keystorePassword" : "",
"isOpdsProviderEnabled" : true,
"folderExclusionPattern" : "",
"bypassSingleRootFolder" : true,
"enableFolderMetadataDisplay" : true,
"bookmarkUsingCookies" : false,
"displayTitleInsteadOfFileName" : false,
"keepUnreachableSharedFolders" : false,
"isCalibreLibrary" : false,
"instanceId" : "xxxxxxxx"
So the cover didnt work for Calobre either?
Could u post a screenshot of the http://youriphere:2203/admin
Ye, start with moving the folder out of tmp, that dir gets cleaned by the OS from time to time.
How do you launch ubooquity?, does your CentOS run a GUI version?
np, :), hah, yeah, thats weird, maby iPhone got whitelisted, but opening the port should fix any problem, ^^,36451.html , and just open port 2202
*edit* - maby a more hands on guide:
Ok, then the last and only logical explination i got left is that your firewall on your PC blocks the iPhone from connecting, are you using windows firewall?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Yes, thats correct, there is no need to run any additional software, runing the ubboquity.jar will be enough (exept for the bookmarks.exe that i made), the /user-api/ path is an internal path ubooquity uses and its not part of the themes folder.
The folder structure seems correct, did your PC ask you to overwrite the themeScript.js when copying?
Did you make sure that "readprogress_1" is the active theme in the admin panel?
Not sure if having multiple themes with the same name or simular name might bug the themes?, could you try make a new with a totaly different name?
If you press F12 and press the console tab does it say any red errors?