opds access

Brodie 4 years ago updated by goubul 4 years ago 3

I am trying to add my Ubooquity server via OPDS to Perfect Viewer.  OPDS is broken in PV but they have a beta version they are asking me to test.

OPDS works in Kuboo reader.  When I add it to PV it says cannot access server.  If I browse to http://:2202.opds-comics I get prompted for my credentials.  When I enter them, it doesn't let me in but asks again.  Not sure if this is a Ubooquity server issue?


ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 1/10: Http Status: 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

Jataki 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1


I'm mounting Ubooquity on a Hetzner cloud server. It's all set. The storage is an rclone mount to a Mega Drive. During scan, I'm getting the following error from Ubooquity:

ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 2/10: Http Status: 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

Any ideas? Thanks!


where is Ubooquity.jar??

meandr 4 years ago updated by Anton Baur 4 years ago 1

Hello I am totally puzzled about this because the release looks like it's from 2018 so there must not've been any recent changes.

  1. Downloaded this file from this page
  2. unzipped it as per these instructions which describes to this directory structure
  3. there is no Ubooquity.jar file!
  4. I ran tree on the directory, below is the result

have I been up for too long, or what?

└── Ubooquity
    ├── META-INF
    │   └── MANIFEST.MF
    ├── admin
    │   ├── about.txt
    │   ├── admin.css
    │   ├── admin.html
    │   ├── admin.js
    │   ├── angular-animate.min.js
    │   ├── angular-aria.min.js
    │   ├── angular-material.min.css
    │   ├── angular-material.min.js
    │   ├── angular-messages.min.js
    │   ├── angular-sanitize.min.js
    │   ├── angular.min.js
    │   ├── banner.png
    │   ├── delete.svg
    │   ├── edit.svg
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── help
    │   │   ├── bookmarkCookies.html
    │   │   ├── bypassSingleRootFolder.html
    │   │   ├── exclusionPattern.html
    │   │   ├── folderMetadata.html
    │   │   ├── isCalibreLibrary.html
    │   │   ├── keepUnreachableFolders.html
    │   │   ├── opds.html
    │   │   ├── revProxy.html
    │   │   ├── theme.html
    │   │   └── titleInsteadOfFilename.html
    │   ├── help.svg
    │   ├── login.html
    │   ├── login.js
    │   ├── password.html
    │   ├── password.js
    │   ├── roboto-Bold.woff2
    │   ├── roboto-Italic.woff2
    │   ├── roboto-Light.woff2
    │   ├── roboto-Medium.woff2
    │   ├── roboto-Regular.woff2
    │   ├── roboto.css
    │   ├── sha256-min.js
    │   └── users.svg
    ├── autherror.png
    ├── bcprov-jdk15on-1.53.jar
    ├── com
    │   └── ubooquity
    │       ├── Launcher.class
    │       ├── Ubooquity$1.class
    │       ├── Ubooquity.class
    │       ├── a
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b.class
    │       │   ├── c$a.class
    │       │   └── c.class
    │       ├── a.class
    │       ├── b
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b$a.class
    │       │   ├── b$b.class
    │       │   ├── b.class
    │       │   ├── c.class
    │       │   ├── d.class
    │       │   ├── e.class
    │       │   └── f.class
    │       ├── b$1.class
    │       ├── b.class
    │       ├── c
    │       │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   └── a.class
    │       ├── c.class
    │       ├── d
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b.class
    │       │   ├── c.class
    │       │   ├── d.class
    │       │   └── e.class
    │       ├── d.class
    │       ├── data
    │       │   ├── database
    │       │   │   ├── a$1.class
    │       │   │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   ├── c$1.class
    │       │   │   ├── c$a.class
    │       │   │   ├── c.class
    │       │   │   ├── d$1.class
    │       │   │   ├── d.class
    │       │   │   ├── e.class
    │       │   │   ├── f.class
    │       │   │   └── g.class
    │       │   ├── feeder
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   └── c.class
    │       │   └── shrinker
    │       │       ├── a$1.class
    │       │       ├── a$2.class
    │       │       ├── a$3.class
    │       │       └── a.class
    │       ├── e
    │       │   ├── a$1.class
    │       │   ├── a$2.class
    │       │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   ├── a$b.class
    │       │   ├── a$c.class
    │       │   ├── a$d.class
    │       │   ├── a$e.class
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b$a.class
    │       │   ├── b$b.class
    │       │   └── b.class
    │       ├── f
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b.class
    │       │   ├── c.class
    │       │   ├── d.class
    │       │   ├── e.class
    │       │   ├── f.class
    │       │   ├── g.class
    │       │   ├── h.class
    │       │   ├── i.class
    │       │   ├── j.class
    │       │   ├── k.class
    │       │   ├── l.class
    │       │   └── m.class
    │       ├── fileformat
    │       │   ├── cbr
    │       │   │   ├── a$1.class
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── cbz
    │       │   │   ├── a$1.class
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── djvu
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   └── b.class
    │       │   ├── epub
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   ├── c.class
    │       │   │   ├── d.class
    │       │   │   └── e.class
    │       │   ├── fb2
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── mobi
    │       │   │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   └── pdf
    │       │       ├── a.class
    │       │       └── b.class
    │       ├── guifx
    │       │   ├── Main.class
    │       │   ├── a.class
    │       │   ├── b.class
    │       │   ├── c.class
    │       │   └── d.class
    │       ├── pref
    │       │   ├── Autoscan.class
    │       │   ├── ContentPath.class
    │       │   ├── PreferencesListener.class
    │       │   ├── User.class
    │       │   ├── UserPreferences.class
    │       │   ├── WritableUserPreferences$PublicPref.class
    │       │   └── WritableUserPreferences.class
    │       ├── provider
    │       │   ├── api
    │       │   │   ├── admin
    │       │   │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── c.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── d.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── e.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── f.class
    │       │   │   │   ├── g.class
    │       │   │   │   └── h.class
    │       │   │   ├── publiq
    │       │   │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   │   └── user
    │       │   │       ├── a.class
    │       │   │       └── b.class
    │       │   ├── book
    │       │   │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   │   ├── a$b.class
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   ├── c.class
    │       │   │   ├── d$1.class
    │       │   │   ├── d.class
    │       │   │   ├── e.class
    │       │   │   ├── f$a.class
    │       │   │   ├── f$b.class
    │       │   │   ├── f.class
    │       │   │   ├── g$1.class
    │       │   │   └── g.class
    │       │   ├── bookdetails
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── comic
    │       │   │   ├── a$a.class
    │       │   │   ├── a$b.class
    │       │   │   ├── a$c.class
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   └── b.class
    │       │   ├── comicdetails
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── epubreader
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── homepage
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── login
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── opds
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   ├── c.class
    │       │   │   ├── d.class
    │       │   │   ├── e.class
    │       │   │   └── f.class
    │       │   ├── page
    │       │   │   ├── a.class
    │       │   │   ├── b.class
    │       │   │   └── c.class
    │       │   ├── rawfile
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   ├── script
    │       │   │   └── a.class
    │       │   └── theme
    │       │       └── a.class
    │       └── thirdparty
    │           └── mobimeta
    │               ├── a.class
    │               ├── b.class
    │               ├── c.class
    │               ├── d.class
    │               ├── e.class
    │               ├── f.class
    │               ├── g.class
    │               ├── h.class
    │               └── i.class
    ├── comicreader
    │   ├── angular-cookies.min.js
    │   ├── angular.min.js
    │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
    │   ├── comicreader.css
    │   ├── comicreader.js
    │   ├── dimoverlay.png
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── loading.gif
    │   ├── reader-arrow-left.png
    │   ├── reader-arrow-right.png
    │   ├── reader.html
    │   └── ui-bootstrap-custom-tpls-0.13.1.min.js
    ├── common-image-3.3.1.jar
    ├── common-io-3.3.1.jar
    ├── common-lang-3.3.1.jar
    ├── commons-compress-1.13.jar
    ├── commons-io-2.5.jar
    ├── commons-logging-1.2.jar
    ├── epubreader
    │   ├── angular-cookies.min.js
    │   ├── angular.min.js
    │   ├── close.png
    │   ├── dimoverlay.png
    │   ├── epubreader.css
    │   ├── epubreader.js
    │   ├── epubtoc.css
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── menu.css
    │   ├── menu.html
    │   ├── menu.js
    │   ├── nextchapter.png
    │   └── prevchapter.png
    ├── fileerror.png
    ├── fontbox-2.0.6.jar
    ├── fonts
    │   ├── Charis\ SIL.css
    │   ├── CharisSIL-B.woff
    │   ├── CharisSIL-BI.woff
    │   ├── CharisSIL-I.woff
    │   ├── CharisSIL-R.woff
    │   ├── Fira\ Sans.css
    │   ├── FiraSans-Bold.woff
    │   ├── FiraSans-BoldItalic.woff
    │   ├── FiraSans-Italic.woff
    │   ├── FiraSans-Regular.woff
    │   ├── Tex\ Gyre\ Pagella.css
    │   ├── texgyrepagella-bold.woff
    │   ├── texgyrepagella-bolditalic.woff
    │   ├── texgyrepagella-italic.woff
    │   ├── texgyrepagella-regular.woff
    │   └── toc.txt
    ├── guifx
    │   ├── external.png
    │   ├── icon.png
    │   ├── mainStyle.css
    │   └── mainWindow.fxml
    ├── h2-1.4.193.jar
    ├── icon-128.png
    ├── icon-16.png
    ├── icon-24.png
    ├── icon-256.png
    ├── icon-32.png
    ├── icon-48.png
    ├── icon-64.png
    ├── icon-tray.png
    ├── imageio-1.0.jar
    ├── imageio-core-3.3.1.jar
    ├── imageio-jpeg-3.3.1.jar
    ├── imageio-metadata-3.3.1.jar
    ├── imgscalr-lib-4.2.jar
    ├── jackson-annotations-2.8.4.jar
    ├── jackson-core-2.8.4.jar
    ├── jackson-databind-2.8.4.jar
    ├── javadjvu-0.8.09.jar
    ├── javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar
    ├── jbig2-5.5.1.jar
    ├── jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.12.jar
    ├── jetty-http-9.4.0.v20161208.jar
    ├── jetty-io-9.4.0.v20161208.jar
    ├── jetty-server-9.4.0.v20161208.jar
    ├── jetty-util-9.4.0.v20161208.jar
    ├── jopt-simple-4.8.jar
    ├── jsoup-1.8.3.jar
    ├── junrar-3.0.1-Ubooquity.jar
    ├── log-config.xml
    ├── logback-classic-1.1.3.jar
    ├── logback-core-1.1.3.jar
    ├── pdfbox-2.0.6.jar
    ├── scripts
    │   ├── sha256-min.js
    │   └── tools.js
    ├── slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar
    ├── themes
    │   └── default
    │       ├── android-chrome-192x192.png
    │       ├── apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
    │       ├── apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
    │       ├── apple-touch-icon-180x180.png
    │       ├── arrowleft.png
    │       ├── arrowleft10.png
    │       ├── arrowright.png
    │       ├── arrowright10.png
    │       ├── arrowup.png
    │       ├── banner.png
    │       ├── books.css
    │       ├── books.png
    │       ├── close.png
    │       ├── comics.css
    │       ├── comics.png
    │       ├── dimoverlay.png
    │       ├── download.png
    │       ├── favicon-16x16.png
    │       ├── favicon-32x32.png
    │       ├── favicon-96x96.png
    │       ├── favicon.ico
    │       ├── files.png
    │       ├── folder.png
    │       ├── homepage.css
    │       ├── latest-books.png
    │       ├── latest-comics.png
    │       ├── mstile-144x144.png
    │       ├── nocover.png
    │       ├── pagereader.css
    │       ├── progressbar-reader.gif
    │       ├── progressbar.gif
    │       ├── random.png
    │       ├── rawfiles.css
    │       ├── read.png
    │       ├── search.png
    │       ├── settings.png
    │       ├── sliding-left.png
    │       ├── sliding-right.png
    │       ├── star0.png
    │       ├── star1.png
    │       ├── star2.png
    │       ├── star3.png
    │       ├── star4.png
    │       ├── star5.png
    │       ├── themeScript.js
    │       └── toc.txt
    └── webp-image-decoder-plugin-0.2.jar


read case by case

matosman 4 years ago 0

Is it possible to read case by case on ubooquity ?

There is possible on izneo


Under review

Cannot create temp directory

Jataki 4 years ago updated by Tom 4 years ago 5

Hi community!

I already contacted Ubooquity's dev on this subject, but thought I'd share so someone can give me their input.

So I had this old rooted smartphone lying around and thought I'd make something out of it by making it a small private home server running Ubooquity for me to access and read around the house.

I installed Termux and Termux-Java, and dowloaded the jar file. I ran it, and it says "ERROR on loading inner JAR: Cannot create temp directory /tmp/JarClassLoader". This happens because the /tmp folder on Android is read only, no matter your privileges - unless you wipe it and recreate it with rw permissions, which I'm avoiding. In Termux, there's a variable TMPDIR which defaults to "/data/data/com-termux/files/usr/tmp". Would Ubooquity be open source and I'd changed this myself but since it is not, if no one can see a solution to this problem, I propose the following solutions:

1. If exists, use the path specified on TMPDIR environment variable, otherwise, maintain current behavior
2. Allow to specify through an argument where to create the temp files

I'm sure both these solutions would be useful in other case scenarios and not just my specific problem.

Thank you all for your time and if anyone has a workaround to this problem, I'm all ears!


I can't start the server on my Raspberry Pi 4

draco2143 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2


I can't start the server and I get everytime the same error

20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Running with the following parameters - headless: false, libraryport: -1, adminport: -1, remoteadmin: false, host: null, debug: false, execdir: /opt/ubooquity
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - # Starting Ubooquity #
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java version: 1.8.0_212
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - java vm name: OpenJDK Client VM
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - java runtime name: OpenJDK Runtime Environment
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Max heap size available: 247 MB
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS name: Linux
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS version: 5.4.83-v7l+
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS architecture: arm
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading local version info
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Ubooquity 2.1.2 built on 2018-10-14 at 12:58
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Creating application folders
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading preferences
20210118 09:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Saving preferences
20210118 09:59:02 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @2867ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/fxml/Initializable
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:763)
at com.ubooquity.e.a.d(SourceFile:597)
at com.ubooquity.e.a.loadClass(SourceFile:962)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
at com.ubooquity.a.(SourceFile:19)
at com.ubooquity.Ubooquity.main(SourceFile:246)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at com.ubooquity.e.a.a(SourceFile:823)
at com.ubooquity.Launcher.main(SourceFile:10)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failure to load: javafx.fxml.Initializable
at com.ubooquity.e.a.loadClass(SourceFile:992)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
... 13 more
20210118 09:59:02 [Thread-2] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Stopping internal server...
20210118 09:59:02 [Thread-2] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Aborting content scan...
20210118 09:59:03 [Thread-2] ERROR com.ubooquity.b - Error while stopping internal server
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.ubooquity.d.e.a(SourceFile:99) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.2]
at com.ubooquity.b.c(SourceFile:112) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.2]
at com.ubooquity.Ubooquity.C(SourceFile:216) [Ubooquity.jar:2.1.2]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) ~[na:1.8.0_212]
20210118 09:59:03 [Thread-2] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Internal server stopped
20210118 09:59:03 [Thread-2] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Ubooquity has closed.


Recovering Database with error "File corrupted while reading record: null"

Drew Blood 4 years ago updated by Tom 4 years ago 2
I had a heavily customized install of Ubooquity (Docker/Synology) a couple years back that I tweaked once too many times and broke it. I'd like to recover my old instance rather than start from scratch. Does this error give you any leads on what I should try first?  The error in the log is as follows:

ata.database.d - Cound not get number of existing tables org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: File corrupted while reading record: null. Possible solution: use the recovery tool [90030-193] at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(DbException.java:345) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.message.DbException.get(DbException.java:168) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTableEngine$Store.convertIllegalStateException(MVTableEngine.java:195) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTableEngine$Store.open(MVTableEngine.java:167) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTableEngine.init(MVTableEngine.java:99) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.engine.Database.getPageStore(Database.java:2468) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.engine.Database.open(Database.java:695) ~[h2-1.4.193.jar.5380734851354284907.tmp:1.4.193] at org.h2.engine.Datab

Ubooquity for "Bandes Dessinées"

wisbit 4 years ago updated by Elouan 4 years ago 4

Hey everyone,

(Ubooquity on Debian Buster)

Dunno if there are lots of French users here.
The world of French language graphic novels is slightly different then that of anglo-saxon comics. No Marvels or Dc.

Therefore Comic Vine for metadata is a no no.

I am trying to wrap my head around tagging my files / making comicinfo.xml files, but it's a daunting tasks (1500 ish different series) I'd love to get more from Ubooquity than just file names ...

Anyone with any ideas, advice for 
- French language graphic Novels tagging / metadata scrapping ?
- ComicInfo.xml file creator ? (looked into comicrack but it' windows only (and it can't be used with wine, and I am not going to create a VM just for that)

Any information is welcome !!




How can use pdfjs as my pdfviewer. Thanks

Saleem Meer 4 years ago 0

Books open in new window in a self made book reader that is great. But I like pdfjs a pdfviewer and would like to customize ubooquity to use pdfjs as my default pdf viewer. How can I do it. 


Under review

using symlinks on linux to create different folders for adults and kids.

wisbit 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 5

Hi there,

I have one massive folder for all comics, however I'd like to manage separate access for my kids to curated content.
I do not want to separate the comics into different folder. I thought that I could create a separate folder for KIDSCOMICS and in there add lots of symlinks to the folders that I wish to choose.

It works in terms in being scanned and added. However, when I create separate users to access those, only the first one created that has access to everything can actually list the comic folder


--> symlink to COMIC_Folder_1/
--> symlink to COMIC_Folder_2/

In admin, I shared 2 folders 'COMICS' (with the actual folders of the actual comics) and "KIDS COMICS" (with links to folders I chose), created 2 users, one that has access to both, and one that can only access KIDS COMICS.

The user that can access both, has no problem visualising both shares, enters each and see the contents.

The user that can only access those can click on "KidsComics", see the 2 folders, but when the user clicks I get a 
--> ERROR com.ubooquity.provider.comic.b - Comic entry not found or user not authorized

Any ideas as what could be the problem ?
