Your comments

Hello Ian,

If you upload one of the problematic PDF somewhere and send me the link, I'll take a look.

Yes, the project is still being actively developped, although there have been periods of time in 2019 during which I didn't touch the code much.

Guess I should post a news explaining what is in progress and why it takes so long...

As for your other message, I don't/can't reply to every message. Sometimes I miss some of them, and more often than not I lack the time to answer them. So I focus on the ones that are new and for which I can provide an interesting answer (the "zip" file question has already been discussed a long time ago)


This list is managed by your browser, Ubooquity does not cache user logins.

Couldn't look at it before today (tough week).

Your epub file archive (epub are zip files) is corrupted. I could not open it with my usual epub app.

The fix is simple though: uncompress the content of the epub file with a compression tools that tolerates erros (7zip worked for me) and compress it again in a new zip file. Then change the extension to ".epub".

If you can send me the file (tom at vaemendis dot net), I'll try to take a look.

The main reason to put a limit at 300 was that this setting is changed through a slider in the admin screen.

If the slider allows very big values, most people (who display only a few dozen cover per page) will strugle, as a small move on the slider will increase the value very quickly.

Until a better option is available, you can try to manually edit the configuration file to set the desired value (do it while Ubooquity is stopped, otherwise it will be overwritten).

Comics are sorted alphabetically, this means 1 comes before 10, 11, etc.

Add zeros in front of the numbers so that they all have the same number of digits (01, 01, 03...10, 11...) and the problem is solved.