Your comments

I checked my code: I don't specify the protocol when performing the redirection.

Could it be an nginx issue ? Google seems to return quite a few results when asked about redirection (http 302), nginx and https.

Yes, still no. :)

Ubooquity is a hobby where I can code what I want, when I want.

Open sourcing it would mean reviewing and merging pull requests, discussing features, kind of managing people... A bit too close to what I already do for a living.

And that's without talking about the loss of control over the code, perhaps having concurrent forks...

In a word, it would remove most of the fun out of the project for me.

What I'm trying to do though, is to find and implement ways to make Ubooquity more extensible (at the moment by implementing full html theming), so that people can adapt it to their preferences.

You're right, the script on the site is completely obsolete !

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll include them (without "-Djava.awt.headless=true" as it is redundant with "--headless").

It does help.

(and Ubooquity is still worked on, although even more slowly than before)

I do not have an up-to-date iPad, so I won't be able to test in the event that I implement something, but I'll take a look at your link nevertheless.

Ubooquity doesn't work on Synology

That's not true either.

As a lot of participants on this forum have proved.

I'm sorry if Ubooquity did not meet your expectations, but please refrain from such uncalled and wrong statements.

This means that you can't configure Ubooquity at all because these is no local access to the browser and the remoteadmin doesn't work for initial setup (so it seems anyway).

That's not true.

Ubooquity does not require a local browser as long as you activate the "remoteadmin" flag in its command line.

There is a reason: lack of time.

Sometimes I miss posts. And I often fail to find the time to answer them.

Your idea is indeed interesting. But there are already a lot of feature in my backlog.

RAR support is not perfect in Ubooquity: it relies on a library (Junrar) that is quite old and has a few issues. But it's the only one available for Java.

Apparently, Junrar development has been active again in the past few month, so hopefully the situation will improve in the future.