Your comments

I'm moving to Kotlin for the new code and the parts I have to modify. Most of the code is still Java (both can coexist in the same application) for now

I switched to Kotlin because it is faster to write and safer to use.

Still not opening the source I'm afraid.

if you do have the time and not a lot of things in your priority queue for Ubooquity

Both are an issue, especially since I've been in the middle of big and painful refactoring for quite some time now.

Did you try overriding the property ?

Like that:

java -jar Ubooquity.jar

Hi Jataki,

I understand the issue, but I have currently no plan to make Ubooquity runnable on Android (nor do I have any workaround coming to my mind). Sorry.


Use it if you don’t want the Ubooquity interface to be displayed, or to

avoid compatibility issues on devices with no graphical environment

(e.g. NAS).

From the manual.

First time I see this kind of error.

Apparently the "recovery tool" it mentions is the one offered by the H2 database used internally by Ubooquity:

Hello Wisbit,

I won't go into boring technical details, but Ubooquity does not support symbolic links (it might change in a future version as a side effect of some other modifications I am doing, but it's not certain).

I will have the same need as you in a few years, when I will give access to my children to a subset of my library.

For now I think my strategy will simply be to duplicate the files I want them to see in a dedicated folder. Not an elegant solution, but given the size of hard drives nowadays it won't be a problem.

Hello pbx47,

I would do the following to secure your Ubooquity instance:

  •  Once configured, launch Ubooquity without the --remoteadmin flag. This way no one will be able to modify your configuration remotely. Your worse risk will be someone gaining access to the folders you share, not the whole content of the VPS.
  • Use protection against brute force attacks (e.g. fail2ban)
  • Use a SSL certificate to protect your connections (otherwise your password could be intercepted when using unsecure networks)

Try to launch it with the --headless option.

Ubooquity parses all the files, then you choose the way they are displayed: by folder (following your own structure, or flat).

Thanks. :)

I'm not very good with CSS unfortunately.

My advice would be to look for "reponsive design" and "media query" articles on the net, and start from there.

If you just want to have bigger covers though, there is a setting for that in Ubooquity admin screen (but the covers will be bigger in desktop browsers as well).