Your comments

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the kind words. :)

Ubooquity already tries to guess the real type of a file (using its header) when it fails to open the file based on its extension. But only for CBZ and CBR files, as they are the only file types I have ever seen mixed up.

This will be a bit improved in the next version with better CBR detection (as different RAR versions have different headers), and better logs.

As for the duplicates detection, since this is quite easy to add, I'll print a list of duplicate files in the logs after each scan.

It's doable, since the progress tracking already exists in Ubooquity (for the online reader). Bookmarks API could be exposed for 3rd party clients. But for that I would need at least one client developper interested in using it.

Unless there is already some standard protocol or API fort that (I don't know about any, except perhaps the one used by KOReader).

What client apps do you have in mind ?

Hi p0lrb3ar, Ubooquity can only display the cover it finds in the book file, it won't look at external files.

The "folder.jpg" image is just used for folders, it won't work for books. Sorry.

That extra click has been bothering me for about 10 years. :D

Direct download when clicking a cover will be possible in the next version of Ubooquity if you use a theme that works that way (thanks to a new theming system that will allow much more customisation). Such a theme should be quite easy to write, I might even create one as an example of how the new system works.

I'll publish a beta version before the end of the summer.

This is not possible with the current version of Ubooquity

But the next version (Ubooquity 3) will allow full control over the html pages with a new theme system, so you will able to translate the text you want.

I will release a beta version this summer.

Thanks !

Image 797

* Cracks knuckles *

* Opens a can *

* Starts coding *

I'm still working on it whenever I find the time and energy.

Still have some work to wrap up the ongoing modification, but getting there.

I aim at a new release this year.

2023 :)

(hopefully during the first semester, I really want to wrap this version to be able to go back to a more regular release rythm, but we'll see)

Not yet, but the next release will allow finer bookmarks management: you'll be able to mark a book as "unread", resetting the reading position.