Your comments

No offense taken.
I'd probably do the same thing as a user for any other software. 

There is a bug that prevents the validation of the admin login form with the "enter" key.

So right now I don't think you will be able to navigate using only the keyboard.

The bug is fixed in the source, so it will be part of the next version.

I don't know if this will be enough for a full keyboard navigation though.

The error you pasted in not linked to the admin authentication, it's your browser asking for JavaScript debugging files (it happens when you open your browser console and it has no impact at all).

You can't store the credentials in the preference file, but you can generate the "webadmin.cred" file yourself if you want, with a bit of work:

The metada (in the database) and cover file thumbnails are deleted.

The scan process principle is very simple: Ubooquity lists files to get their path and last modification date (it's very fast as the files are not read, only the disk "table of content" is), then it compares the modification date it stored in its database during the previous scan and processes only the files that have been modified since the previous scan (by "processes", I mean reading the file to extract the cover and metadata, which is the time consuming operation).

So the first scan of a big collection will take a long time, but subsequent scans will be very fast if only a few files have been added.

Hello Notarobot,

Unfortunately I don't know the internals of Kuboo, so I have no idea of what the problem is here (since it seems to be on client's side).

I still have interest in the project, and I spent to much time on the next version to not pusblish it someday. The issue is time, and energy, but I'll get there.

To be honest, right now I'm struggling to find time to finish the big refactoring I started a few years ago.

New feature will come after that.

I don't like relying on GAFAM for authentication (because it means telling them each time you login), but I guess it would ease the authentication setup process a lot.

Hello Majora2007, this forum is not the right place to keep promoting your tool again and again.
Please host the discussions around it in your own space, not here.

20220122 19:06:09 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java version: 14.0.2

You're running Java 14.

Example of Ubooquity OPDS urls:

The default is http, unless you have added a certificate to your Ubooquity installation.