Your comments

That's something that's been on my mind for a long time, but as few people use OPDS feeds (and although I use them) it is usually deprioritized in favor of more popular features.

it will load 3 pages of booktitles and when I hit nr 3 it will start loading the next 3

I just tested this with KOReader and Ubooquity, that's the behaviour I get too, but only when page 3 is accessed from page 2 (using the > button), not if you jump directly to the last page using the >> button in KOReader.

I don't know why KOReader does not load the next page when you go directly to the last one, that's perhaps a question to ask on their Github bug tracker.

Although technically possible, I think the performance impact of needing to check all the subfolders recursively might be an issue.

All data (including read/unread status) is kept when upgrading, unless there is a major internal database structure update (which is the case for Ubooquity 3, due to the high number of modifications made to the internal model).

So once you are on Ubooquity 3, you should be safe for at least a few years (I'll try to avoid any breaking change as much as possible, as I don't like rescanning my whole collection either).

Very nice ! Thanks Erlend. :)

Ubooquity is written in Java / Kotlin, and uses a Jetty embedded server and a H2 embedded database. Quite far from the PHP/MySQL stack.
So it won't be possible (and out of the scope of Ubooquity anyway).

However if the goal is to easily find what you are currently reading, a dedicated Ubooquity page with the "in-progress" is already on my to do list. It won't be part of the next release, but probably the one just after.

As for the favorites, I don't have plan to implement a "favorite" system, but there is already a column in Ubooquity for a user rating (unused so far, but it's a feature I'm considering).

I understand the usefulness of such a feature, but the design of Ubooquity makes its implementation quite complicated. I'll keep the idea in my backlog, but I don't think I'll tackle it soon.

You mean for a folder ? Or for a whole category (e.g. all comics) ?

I was not able to determine the cause of the issue (since I can't reproduce it on my side).

I will include additional debug logs in the next version, so that we can get more information about the reason some Djvu files can't be opened on your system.