Your comments

Other users have solved this by updating to the latest Oracle Java version (8u92).

It really depends on how many users are accessing the server at the same time.

Sorry I can't be more specific, you'll have to try.

I have never done load testing on Ubooquity, as it was primarily intended for home usage.

On this issue, the next version (still months away though) should fare better as it will use Jetty instead of NanoHTTPD as internal web server (Jetty is more robust).

The second problem you will have is if you want to create individual user accounts. Each account has to be created and managed manually. There is no way to register or reset your password without asking to an admin to do it.

(of course, for public document without user access restrictions, no problem)

Let me know if you do it !

Still planned, still high on the todo list.

But there are a lot of things I want to include in the next version, so I still probably have a few months of work before I release anything.

Thanks for the feedback !

I'm a bit late answering messages these days, but I would have suggested to update your Java version as well (although the 8u90 is already a pretty recent one).

Yes !

I have already implemented the search functionality described in the official OPDS spec:

Ok, that's not good.

The next version (no ETA) will contains big changes and some fixes related to memory consumption.

I can't promise it will fix your problem but that's the best I can offer for now.

To be honest I have no idea how Ubooquity performs with hundreds of thousands of files (apparently not that well), you're in uncharted territories.

7GB is an insane amount for something as small as Ubooquity.

But I still don't know if there is a memory leak or if the problem is limited to PDF handling.

Do you have PDF files ?