Your comments

The script mentioned in the FAQ is for Linux, so it won't help you.

To set the quantity of memory Java can use, you have to launch Ubooquity using the command line.

Open a DOS shell and go in the directory which contains your Ubooquity.jar file.

Then type something like that:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx1500m -jar Ubooquity.jar
The jdk1.8.0_92 folder is specific to my PC, replace it with the Java version you have (it can be a JRE too, not necessarily a JDK).

To choose the memory amount, replace 1500m with the value you want (1500m means 1500 megabytes).

To easily reuse the command line, you can paste it in a text file and rename the text file to something.bat

Thanks for the sample file, I'll download it when I get home.

As for the solution, I am entirely dependent on the PDFBox library (used to extract PDF covers and pages).

So apart from updating Ubooquity with the latest PDFBox version each time I realease a new version, there's not much I can do.

As far as I know, Ubooquity has no timeout when it tries to access a file.

Either it fails right away, or it waits for the file to be available. On my own setup the disk takes sometimes 5 to 10 seconds to wake up and the browser just waits until the page is displayed.

In the default and modern themes, a rating of 0 (which is the default value) results in the display of a transparent image (so you don't see anything, although some space is taken by the image).

Is this that empty space that you want to hide ?

As for the "null" description, did you scan some books of your collection along time ago ? (I mean at least 6 months ago)

I'm asking because there was a bug in an earlier version of Ubooquity causing this behavior.

Just updating is not enough though, you'll have to clear your ebook database (there is a button for that in the book settings) and scan everything again.

Ubooquity works the other way around: you choose for each shared folder a list of users who can access it.

So in your case, the easiest solution would be indeed to create folders dedicated to kids, teenagers, adults, and restrict access accordingly.

Just activate comic sharing in the preferences.

Well, according to the error message, your browser tries to connect to Ubooquity using HTTPS instead of HTTP.

But I don't know why. :(

That's a bug I plan to fix: Ubooquity uses the comic title to sort issues, but when the title is not available in the metadata, it uses the file name. Hence the inconsistent sorting.

I plan to add an option allowing to choose between title and filename sorting.