Your comments

3 months is the maximum duration of Letsencrypt certificates.

They use a short period to encourage automation. It's working ;)

(at least when the integration will be done)

I have plans to add Let's Encrypt support out of the box, as the current procedure is a bit complex (especially when you have to run it every three months).

But don't expect it this year.

Already planned, users storing their collection on network drives have indeed issues when the disk is not mounted when Ubooquity scan the files.

Until it's done, you can disable the autoscan in the advanced option and trigger scans manually.

Do you have empty folders in your collection ?

When the "Hide empty folders" option is active (you can find it in the advanced settings), empty folders are filtered out after the page is filled with items.

So if your 20-items-page contains 16 non-empty folders and 4 empty folders, you'll see only 16 items.

Got it, it will allow me to at least test a little bit. :)

Good idea !

I agree with you on that it should stay a fast command line tool.

Also, I like ZenCBR because there is nothing to install (no Java VM, no Python runtime...).

So I guess Go (although I'm not sure it compile to native executables) or even pure C could be a good choice.

Of course Java and Python would work too.

Let us know how it goes !

Unfortunately this is not technically possible as PDF pages are first converted to images before they are sent to your browser.

If it's just a matter of scanning AZW and AZW3 files as if they were MOBI files, I'll gladly add the feature.

(I won't be able to test it though, I don't have any AZW or AZW3 file)

Guys, could you stick to english please ?

This forum is used as a knowledge base by a lot of users, and changing language in the middle of a thread is not very nice for people who don't understand french.

If you want to write in another language, please open a new thread with a clear indication in the title (something like "[FRENCH]").

Here is a copy of ZenCBR:

As for the sorting, I guess I could do something by creating a dedicated computed column in the database and padding any number found in the file name.

I'll see what I can do.