Your comments

I think I might have found this issue. The comics sharing module is is disabled. The Bookreader is using JS and CSS files from the comicreader path, which are not accessible and returning server status 500. See screenshots.

Ouch, good catch !

I'll fix that in the next version.

Usually, I do a "pgrep -lf java" to list all running java processes, then I identify the one running Ubooquity by its command line argument.

I take its PID then kill it with "kill <PID>".

Nothing special here, pure Linux commands. Once you get the PID of a process, there is nothing preventing you from killing it (except if it has been started by another user).

Last thing to check: in earlier versions of Ubooquity, a "<database_name>.lock.db" file was created in the working directory to ensure the database was not accessed by two instances of Ubooquity at the same time.

Details here:

But this is done that way anymore, so I don't think you have this issue.

Well that's disappointing. I'll do some test again on my side, but not in a near future as there is workaround.

Just to be sure: did you test by re-entering the symlink in the configuration screen ? They are converted when you save them, so just replacing the Ubooquity jar with the new version won't work, you have to reconfigure the paths.

Yes, the feature is still planned and near the top of my backlog.

Version 1.10 was an emergency fix done because recent version of Java broke the rendering of PDF files. So it delayed all the other features I had planned.

I won't give an estimate, because Ubooquity development is affected by a lot of external factor that I cannot foresee, but the work is still in progress.

I looked at the logs you sent me by private message and the ones you posted here, but I still don't know what the problem is. :(

For the "Locked by another process" issue: is the Ubooquity java process still running when you try to restart it ?

As for the network issue, I have no idea.

I am in the process of replacing the current internal server of Ubooquity with another one, perhaps it'll help. But it's a long shot.

I understand that this is a tiresome process, but I have no plans to integrate the Comicrack database with Ubooquity, sorry.

You can read a detailed explanation in this thread.

Also, this is another example of why CBR should disappear in favor of CBZ.

I was asking because the error message you posted is not related to the network at all.

Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process"

means that the database file Ubooquity relies on is already in use by another process (basically you launched Ubooquity twice).

But I fail to see a link between this error and the network issue you are describing.

This is the only error/warning you have in the logs ?