Your comments

Mmm, not so easy to add, especially without adding to much complexity in the configuration.

It's not going to happen in a near future, but later on (given my impressive speed of development, I'm talking years) it would be interesting to be able to customize the home page indeed.

Thanks for sharing !

Your problem was probably similar to this one.

  • WASD instead of arrows: to be honest, shortcuts customization is very low on my todo list given the number of critical items I already have planned. ;)
  • Open (or download) a book without displaying the popup first: planned, I want it too, but not at the top of the list yet.
  • IP forwarding: you'd need to buy your own domain, or use some free domain redirection. In any case, nothing specific to configure in Ubooquity, this is purely on the network level.
  • Right menu: I don't understand what you mean. Could you describe the problem with a bit more details ?

There has been no recent change on the OPDS feed part (the one used by Challenger Comics).

Because epub files contain HTML file, each HTML file being a chapter.

So you get one page per chapter.

That's the most logical way of displaying HTML content in a browser anyway.

Thanks for the logs.

The problem comes from the log highlighting function. It's not resilient enough (although I don't know exactly what triggered the error). I'll rewrite it so that it's more robust.

I'm afraid the hardware inside routers (especially the RAM) won't be good enough to run Java applications.

The way to avoid having a computer running 24/7 is usually to run Ubooquity on a NAS or a Raspberry Pi (probably the cheapest solution).

Perhaps a side effect of my attempt to manage symbolic links.

Since there is an easy workaround, perhaps I should remove the "feature" altogether.

You can use the "Scan exclusion pattern" option (in the "Advanced" section).

The following pattern will exclude PDF files:


But it will do so for all folders, comics and ebooks alike.