Your comments

You can try to contact the author of the theme on his thread, perhaps he'll be able to help you.

Glad it's working now. :)

When I wrote the epub reader, out of curiosity I took a look at ways to implement pagination.

It's complex and not worth the time it would require given that I already have a lot of other features to implement.

So I don't have plans to do it.

Perhaps someday, but definitely not soon.

Are you talking about the online comic/book reader ?

If so, the UI was inspired by what you can find on devices like the Kobo readers: clicking on the borders changes the page (or chapter if you are reading a book), clicking on the middle of the screen displays the menu.

Scrolling has no effect other than scrolling.

It's been primarily designed to be easy to use on tablets (or big phones), so I'm not sure I understand the problem with using it on Android.

Regarding sorting, take a look at these two threads:

If the problems you encountered are different, let me know (preferably with a detailed example with full file names). Might always be a new bug.

Well, a Raspberry Pi is just a Linux server. You can run anything you like on it, as long as the Pi is powerful enough.

If you want to try, people have written tutorials:

I don't know if they are up to date, but that's a good starting point.

I don't understand your question.

The content of the webadmin.cred file is generated with:

hex_hmac_sha256(<PASSWORD>, SERVER_SALT)


  • <PASSWORD> is your password (UTF-8 encoded)
  • SERVER_SALT is the following string (UTF-8 encoded):
  • hex_hmac_sha256 is a method provided by the this library

Basically, the HMAC of the password is calculated using the provided salt (using SHA256 as hash function), and the resulting byte array is converted to hexadecimal (hence the "hex_").

Theses are standard functions, which are widely used. Doing the same in a bash script should not be too difficult.

I did not say it was not possible, just that a paginated view was not necessarily better (most websites don't paginate their content).

In fact, pagination is much easier to implement in a native (dekstop or mobile) application than in a web application.

But like I said, pages are just a habit inherited from physical books (although it is still necessary on low refresh rate devices like ebook readers).

About Plex, my guess is that it works because they use a central third party server (theirs) to ease the connection between your machine and your client.

As for Ubooquity, the application to declare in your firewall settings is indeed Java, as the program as seen by Windows is Java (Ubooquity is running "inside" Java).