Your comments

Your preferences are stored in a files called "preferences.xml" in the working directory of Ubooquity (the directory from which the program is launched, not necessarily the directory containing the jar file).

So either something happened to this file (deleted, corrupted, a change in user permission) or Ubooquity runs in another directory.

By the way, make sure you use version 1.8.2 of Ubooquity. Version 1.8.0 had a bug which might cause the problem you are describing.

You can find a few explanation lines and a sample in the 1.8.0 release post.

Let me know if you need more details on this feature.

I'll try to test it on my side in a few days, but as far as I know, the reverse proxy feature is working fine.

I'll let you know the result of my test once it's done.

It's up !

(and the FAQ has been updated with the link)

I was not aware of the existence of session storage. Thanks.

Not in the current version.

I'll add sorting in the next one.

Ubooquity sorts files alphabetically (so 10 comes before 2). It does not support "natural sort order".

My advice would be to rename your files using a dedicated tool like ZenCBR (it automatically adds 0s where needed).