Your comments


I'm not sure I understand why you are trying to launch Ubooquity using Java Web Start.

You can either launch Ubooquity by double clicking on the jar file, or using command line.

In the command line, use

java -jar Ubooquity.jar

to launch it with logs printed directly to the console, or use

javaw -jar Ubooquity.jar

to launch it without displaying a console.

But do not use javaws (the Java Web Start launcher), it won't work (Java Web Start is a specific way of launching applications from within your browser, Ubooquity does not work that way).

Let me know how it goes.

It is definitely not intended.

I'll take a look and try to fix it.

You have two different problems.

For the mixed icons, take a look at this thread (the last few messages).

As for the "too many open files", this is a system wide limitation on the maximum number of file handles your system is allowed to manage. So the problem may come from Ubooquity, but it may also come from something else.

(and it has nothing to do with the OS of the client you are using)

Try to look for documentation on "too many open files" and the "ulimit" command on Google, you'll find how to increase this limit.

The metadata/filename mixup problem is indeed exactly the same as the one you have with OPDS.

I'll fix it at some point. Not in the next release, but probably soon after (I'll group all database related modifications in the same release).


about #1, if I understand correctly, you would prefer to see directly all your folders (comics and ebooks) on the home page.
This makes sense if you want to stick to a hierarchical directory representation. However you can also choose a "flat" representation of your collection (in the display settings of each section, in the top toolbar). Having everything on the home page doesn't work in that case.

And to be honest, this distinction between comics and ebooks also comes from the way Ubooquity has been developped (ebooks were not part of the initial design). Even if the "flat" display mode did not prevent a common home, changing this would require too much work in regard with the benefits of the modification.

As for #2 and #3: a read/unread flag is in the work and should arrive sometime this year. Once this is done, adding new ways to display information based on this flag would be indeed interesting.

If your mouse buttons act like regular page up/down buttons (I guess they are), yes this will work.

The wheel is already used to scroll the page when the image is higher than the screen height.