Your comments

If your current version is 1.7.0 or later, the library will not need to be rebuilt, just replace the jar file.

(there has not been any breaking database modification since then)

Chris sent me his version of the tutorial, I asked him to mention it here so that you could discuss about it together.

I never owned any Synology device, so I wouldn't know what needs to be mentioned in a Syno tutorial.

If you are both OK about the new version of the tutorial, I'll update it.

Thanks !

A better layout for mobile devices is already on my todo list, this will help.

Nothing obvious in the code.

I don't understand why the app path is prepended to the path of your folder.

It's as if the entered path was "./extshares/hostcomics/Manga" (with a dot at the beginning).

I don't get why slashes are reversed either.

Did you use the GUI or the web interface to configure Ubooquity ? Neither should have accepted a nonexistent path (from Ubooquity's point of view) anyway.

Might be a path conversion bug specific to raw files then. I'll take a look.

Did you try to write the path with slashes only ?

Thanks ! :)

The cache management of theme files is not perfect, so I wouldn't guarantee the problem is coming from Chrome.

I'll have to fix that too, someday.

That's weird, it works fine on Chrome on my Nexus 4 (under Lollipop too).

You can also close the menu by clicking outside of it. This doesn't work ?

The raw file section is completely agnostic to the type of the files you share.

I just tested it to be sure: you can share folders of images.

Did you activate user management ? If so, did you give adequate rights for the image folder ?

Another possibility: some wide exclusion pattern (in the advanced settings) that might match the path of your image folder.