Your comments

You followed the right steps.

You can post the custom CSS you wrote if you want me to check it.

Some epub files define the font in their own embedded CSS. In that case, fonts are not customizable.

Are you able to change the font of your book using the defaults fonts provided by Ubooquity ?

If not, this means the font is defined in the book CSS and cannot be changed.

I plan to try to replace the current HTTP server I use (NanoHTTPD) with Jetty. This would solve the header problem, among others.

If the file is not too big (let's say under 10MB), you can try email: tom at

Otherwise, like you said, you can give me access to your server.

The easiest solution though would probably to upload the file to one a the many free file upload services on the internet.

If you can send me one of the comics that has the problem, I'll take a look at it.

The OutOfMemory error is a serious problem as it might affect almost any part of the application.

However I don't know if this is the cause of your problem.

To address it, you can try to allocate more memory to Ubooquity:

The warning is expected when Ubooquity discovers a new directory.

There is a "log" directory in your Ubooquity working directory.

You can also use the "view logs" links in the General settings section (although you will only see the latest lines).

To use this feature, "Folder metadata display" has to be enabled in the advanced options and comics should be grouped by folder (not "flat").

Apart from the name ("folder.jpg" or png or gif), there is no restriction.

My mistake, I'll put it online again and update the tutorial link.