Your comments

The fix consist in renaming the image so that they are properly sorted.

It's done by adding zeros in front of the numbers: 01, 02, 03 instead of 1, 2, 3.

But it's quite tiresome. You could also wait for me to implement the new sorting method in Ubooquity (be you'll have to be patient).

You have to provide the full path of the file, including the file name.

Something like:


My guess is that some of your comics contain badly named files.

If you open one of the "messed up" CBR with an archive tool (Winrar, 7-zip...), you'll probably find files named like that:






But Ubooquity sorts them alphabetically, so it will serve them in this order:





I'll probably try to implement natural sort order for comic pages at some point in the future.

If you problem is not caused by file names, let meknow so that we can investigate further.

I really want to fix this problem but I have not been able to reproduce it on my side and I have still no idea of the cause.That's why I need database and preferences files from an installation that has the issue. (see my answer to Adam, just above your message)

If you can send me these two files (the password is not necessary), I'll be happy to investigate and hopefully fix it in the next release.

Hi Jeremy,

Yes, updating to Java 8 is a good idea. Java 7 is now quite old, and is not even supported by Oracle anymore (support ended a year ago).

But to be honest, it will probably not change anything for your usage Ubooquity (and I hope it won't reintroduce the bug you encountered).

The PDF rendering library used by Ubooquity (Jpedal) is very old anyway, and I will probably replace it by something else at some point (although finding a good, free, Java PDF rendering library is quite hard).

A few questions to help me investigate:

  • Where you using the exact same Ubooquity version before the reinstallation (1.9.1) ?
  • Where you using the exact same Java version before the reinstallation (1.7.0_91) ?
  • Anything else has changed apart from DSM 6 ?

I don't know either who has developed the DLink addon.

But installing Ubooquity manually on a NAS should not be complicated provided you have some knowledge of the Linux command line. The only problem could come from specific features of the different brands of NAS.

There are already tutorials for Synology and Asustor NAS on the wiki.

Thanks for the detailed report.

I already know that Ubooquity has performance issues for some users and I'll try to understand and fix them.

Without these problems, I'd says that a few hundred megs of memory should be enough.

The problem is that you are running Ubooquity from the system32 directory, which is not writable as this is a system directory (Ubooquity needs to write some files in its working directory to work properly).

This should not happen with a proper Java installation. You file association for "jar" files has probably been altered one way or another. What I mean by that is that your problem is not specific to Ubooquity but will most likely happen with any jar file you try to run by double-clicking on it.

A few ideas to fix or work around the problem:

  • Uninstall and reinstall Java
  • Or create a shortcut to the jar file, edit the shortcut to specify the working directory (the "Start in" field) you want (the one where the files will be created), then double-click on the shortcut

By the way, Ubooquity.jar is the program itself, not the installer. Ubooquity does not need to be installed, it just works in the folder of your choice. But not in System32. ;)

I've never done it, by I guess you should try to run it as a service.