Your comments

I would be tempted to say that this is a CSS issue and that Ubooquity does not support IE (too complex and too different from other major browsers), but since it was working a few weeks ago, I don't know what to say. :(

You already tried the usual investigation steps...

This is a problem caused by iOS management of HTTP pipelining issues.

The issue has been known for years but Apple doesn't care.

I'm working on replacing the internal HTTP server used by Ubooquity. This should solve this problem, but you'll have to wait a few months.

In the meantime, you can try to enable HTTPS, it has been said to disable pipelining, thus removing the problem.

To be honest, I think this problem requires real nginx skills that I don't have. :(

Just a remark: if you already use nginx to encapsulate your connection in HTTPS, you don"t need to activate it in Ubooquity.

Another angle to attack the problem would be to try to understand why you can access the HTML code of the login page (when you get the text only page) but not the images and CSS that are linked by this login page.

You could try to open the login page and find an image link in its HTML, then try to access it directly from your browser by pasting its URL in the address bar.

Perhaps the link or the behavior of nginx could provide a clue...

I take back what I wrote about CBT: it does not allow random file access. So CBZ is technically better for comics storage.

I'll still add support for CBT, but online reading will be slower than it is with CBZ files (wether it will be noticeable or not is another matter).


Ubooquity does indeed display the ComicRack metadata when they are found in the comic file.

To check if this metadata file is present, open one of your comics with an archive tool (Winzip, 7zip, Bandizip...) and look for a file named ComicInfo.xml.

If the file exists, the metadata should be displayed in Ubooquity. If you don't see them, there might be a bug and I'd be interested in getting the comic file to see what went wrong.

If the file does not exist, Ubooquity can't display metadata.

More details about metadata in ComicRack

(ComicRack can only write CBZ and CB7 files. So if you added metadata to CBR files using ComicRack, it'll stay in the ComicRack internal database)

What configuration lines do you have in the server section (of nginx) above "location" ? (especially the values for "listen" and "server_name")

I'm playing with nginx and haven't managed to reproduced the problem on my side yet.

But I have never really used it for more than a few tests, so I'm really far from being an nginx expert.

a black and white text only page with "Please identify yourself" in the upper left hand corner along with user ID and password boxes and a login button

Seems like the browser cannot find the CSS and images used by the login page. Did you try to clear the cache of your browser ?

If you get a proper login page after the cache clearing, please let me know so that I can focus on the remaining parts of the problem.

As for the main issue, it would be interesting to determine if your problem comes from the HTTPS or the reverse proxy feature.

Did you (or could you) try the following setups:

  • No HTTPS, with reverse proxy through nginx (i.e. accessing Ubooquity via )
  • HTTPS without reverse proxy, still through nginx (i.e. accessing Ubooquity via

Knowing which one works and which one doesn't would help delimiting the problem.

I have never used Docker, so I won"t be able to help much unfortunately.

What I can confirm is that the "permission denied" and the "NullPointerException" you get are coming from problems with the file system as seen by Ubooquity (the second one happens when Ubooquity tries to list the content of a scanned directory but encounters an I/O error).

It's as if Ubooquity suddenly lost the rights to access files in the middle of a scan.

I'm afraid this is a pure Docker issue.