Your comments


The script on the download page is just a manual start/stop script for command line usage, it won't start Ubooquity automatically with your system.

Do do that you'll need to either run it as a daemon, or use a cron job.

Both solution are described in this thread above. :)


Unfortunately all the menu text is written directly into the code.

I know it's not a good practice, but I figured this was an application with almost no text (mostly icons, in the user interface anyway).

Désolé. :/

Thanks for your feedback !

This means a lot of people are probably using symlinks without being aware of it.

It would explain all the problems mentioned in this thread.

I was looking in the wrong direction, now I "just" have to add symlink support.

Thanks again !

I knew about the existence of the CBT format, but I never ever saw one CBT file in over 15 years of reading electronic comics. So I'm be curious to know where this format is actually used.

Usage apart, CBT is indeed technically the best format for storing comics pages (see next message) (CB7 is a nonsense, CBR should not be used anymore, CBZ is acceptable if used without compression).

So I'll add support in one of the next Ubooquity versions.

I did some tests, the current pure Java libraries for 7zip management (namely Apache Commons Compress with XZ) are still too slow to be integrated.


By default (if you don't use the --host option) Ubooquity does not listen to a specific address (the one you see in the GUI is just the first one found, in reality Ubooquity listens to all of them).

So I guess your problem might come from somewhere else (firewall, port forwarding...).

As for the Linux scripting issue, I'll users more skilled than me answer you.

Still trying to figure out what might be happening...

Did you try to completely delete the database and rescan everything ?

To do that:

  1. stop Ubooquity
  2. delete (or move somewhere else) the ubooquity-4.h2.db file in your Ubooquity working directory
  3. restart Ubooquity