Your comments

Good idea.

I'll add it to the backlog.

I have built a version with a fix for the Java 7 compatibility problem and additional logs.
Could you try it and post the lines of the error you get when accessing your files ?

Thanks for the details.

Could you check in the Javascript console (F12 then select the "Console" tab) if you have any error or warning when this happens ?

I guess you are using user authentication ?

If so, I might have a lead.

I don't know why this is happening, but if it happens often, let me know.

Ok, thanks to your logs I found at least one problem.

The "raw files" section won't work with Java 7 until I fix it.

(I broke it in the latest release)

You did not miss anything, I just created it !

Since I'm becoming a bottleneck for the updates of the tutorials written by users, I have set up a wiki so that anybody can contribute.

It's here (also accessible through the help section of Ubooquity's site).

There has to be a bug. I'll look for it.