Your comments

And here is a second tutorial describing the operation in even more details, just in case.

According to the author, the files with special characters have to be created after the internationalization support is installed, unfortunately. This would mean you'd have to copy your files to another machine, then copy them again on the NAS so that it properly takes these characters into account.
You mean like musical playlists ?

Something I plan to add is a read/unread flag on each comic (probably with some kind of filtering).
From what I could gather, this is caused by the lack of internationalization support in DSM.

Crashplan (another Java based application) provides a detailed tutorial to solve the problem.

If you decide to apply this fix, please let me know the outcome of the operation. I'll add this link in the FAQ if it solves the non US-ASCII characters problem.
It looks like a local problem which happens on some types of NAS.
On what are you running Ubooquity ?

Thanks for the tip !
Ok, the theme was misleading.
Anyway, there is absolutely no reason for the "Latest comics" to be absent from the other pages.
Could you try to go to "All comic books" and apply the following display options ? (grid or cog icon in the top toolbar)

Grouping: flat
Sorting criterion: date
Sorting order: descending
If you don't see the same comics as in "Latest comics", then there is a bug.
The script is available on the download page.
I'll add an entry in the FAQ.

By the way, there was a typo in my script (which is also in Jim's script):
should be
(remove the $)
You have two links for comics on the main page (alongside books and raw files if you activated them): "Comics" and "Latest comics".
"Comics" takes you to your full collection while "Latest Comics" only show the few last comics that where added by the Ubooquity scan.
There is also (not on the home page but when you are already browsing your collection) a "Random" button that indeed displays a random selection.
But there is no "Unsorted Comic Books" link. So I don't understand. Could you post a screenshot ?