Your comments

Thanks for the tip !
Ok, the theme was misleading.
Anyway, there is absolutely no reason for the "Latest comics" to be absent from the other pages.
Could you try to go to "All comic books" and apply the following display options ? (grid or cog icon in the top toolbar)

Grouping: flat
Sorting criterion: date
Sorting order: descending
If you don't see the same comics as in "Latest comics", then there is a bug.
The script is available on the download page.
I'll add an entry in the FAQ.

By the way, there was a typo in my script (which is also in Jim's script):
should be
(remove the $)
You have two links for comics on the main page (alongside books and raw files if you activated them): "Comics" and "Latest comics".
"Comics" takes you to your full collection while "Latest Comics" only show the few last comics that where added by the Ubooquity scan.
There is also (not on the home page but when you are already browsing your collection) a "Random" button that indeed displays a random selection.
But there is no "Unsorted Comic Books" link. So I don't understand. Could you post a screenshot ?
The list of supported timezones depends of the version of the JVM you use, but this list should give you a close enough idea of what's available.

If the city you specify uses DST (I've heard NYC does ;)), Java will automatically change time twice a year.
It is possible, but it would impact performances and I prefer to use my time to develop more critical features.
Ubooquity never modify you files, ever. That's an fundamental rule that I don't want to change.

But unless I change my mind later, I won't even ignore them. Ignoring these files would require to extract at least partially each image instead of relying on their name as Ubooquity does today.
The comics containing these file are just badly done and must be corrected.
The problem lies in the "__MACOSX" folder contained in the cbz. It contains fake "jpg" files which can't be read by Ubooquity.
The fix is simply to delete this directory inside the cbz (using any archive utility, like 7-zip), launch a rescan and perhaps refresh you browser's cache.

More on this matter here.
The core of the problem is that this folder contains jpg files which are not real jpg.
It should never be included in a comic.
(and the idea of generating files with wrong extensions is beyond me)

I could add a filter to specifically ignore it, but that would be a hack since the problem lies more in MacOS thumbnail system than in Ubooquity itself.

EDIT: the folder I have is in fact "__MACOSX", not .DS_Store. So I have my answer, I don't want to have to guess all the names Apple might think of to generate folders full of fake images.