Your comments

Using mylar to manage arcs probably makes significantly more sense, but without it being able to make hardlinks it doesn't do me any good (I've got far too much space tied up in comics to start duplicating now). Plus I only have a few arcs I actually care about.

As of the last update, I've been manually making the arc files with bookmarks. I just search for the issue, bookmark, repeat. Then export when I'm done.

Edit: I didn't poke too far into arcScanner, since it seemed to really hate that my paths had spaces in it.

When things use the "series name year" naming format in some fashion, using the year filters down to what you want. Grep is a pattern search tool, so sadly it's doing what it's programmed to do.

If Ubooquity passed full file paths, you could break it down to get the year subfolders. Otherwise this'll have to be brute forced, ie. where it currently tries

itemsPerPage * maxPages,

the solution would be

itemsPerPage * maxPages * grep search results (in your example 3).

So 20 curl requests becomes 60, if it can't find what it's looking for.

The problem here is that page scraping is such a kludgy way to do this.

The better solution, that I wasn't able to crack, would be to figure something to access the database directly.

Darwin is very similar to FreeBSD. But if it was the same thing, the file wouldn't need to be edited... hence the question.

I just uploaded a new version with a custom pseudo selector ":exact" that'll only match exactly what you pass as publisher.

You need the folder-info.html and folder.css from, replace the ones in the root of your comics folder.

What's the FreeBSD response to "uname -s"?

Well, the good news is that this is at least pulling the same issue it found previously. So it's at least remaining consistent across the update. :)

Could I get a screenshot of your DC Comics folder, so I could mock up a test environment?

That function is pretty basic, only using the "contains" selector which is needlessly vague. I can definitely make that more specific.

arcBuilder in its current iteration looks for publisher, then goes into there assuming everything there is a series. It'd take far more than a tweak to then have it iterate through additional subfolders.