Your comments

What'd be helpful here is an actual filename I could test against. You told me your files were named "Batgirl 013 (December 2012)", so I coded for that. What do they actually look like? :)

Just posted the new update, and a new StoryArcs archive. It's using the top-aligned bookmarks like pictured above.

I added a button for Story Arcs, but I didn't like what it did to the aesthetic. Once I added the sub-menu, I figured that was a good place to put on something new.

Just putting some polish on the feature I was shooting for when story arcs came along, Bookmarks!

Anything can be bookmarked, series, publisher, issue or arc. And they all end up on the Bookmarks page

Just need to add something so the Story Arcs link doesn't need to be user-edited.

These store in your browser's localstorage, so they're per-user/per-device.

Do your dates have commas in them? That Blackest Night line is adding one, but I don't know where that's coming from.

That last line should actually be:

issueName=$name" "$issueNum" ("${MONTHS[${issueMonth##+(0)}]}" "$issueYear")"

This'll cover padded digits like 09 and I forgot to quote the space between the month and year.

Ah yes, I probably should've tested that before sending. Lemme see what I can do.

It doesn't actually scrape the page for filenames, only for the series ID. So it would need to be modified to add the month to what it saves into the csv.

Try replacing lines 106 and 107 in arcBuilder with these 4 lines

issueYear=`echo $issueDetails | $my_dir/jq .results.cover_date | cut -f1 -d"-"`
MONTHS=(January February March April May June July August September October November December)
issueMonth=`echo $issueDetails | $my_dir/jq .results.cover_date | cut -f2 -d"-"`
issueName=$name" "$issueNum" ("${MONTHS[$issueMonth]} $issueYear")"

Last night I put the finishing touches on my story arc stuff, this ended up being an ordeal. now has a -t (--type) option that takes either series or arc (with it defaulting to series if no type is listed. parses your Ubooquity page to get the page id's for publishers and series (needs the url and login cookie set in the .sh file). Fighting with curl to get it to try to login was ridiculous, ended up giving up and extracting my session cookie from my browser. I used the Chrome extension "Cookie Inspector" to get mine. Also, since the code for searching multiple page publishers got out of control, I temporarily set my comics per page to 9999. My next step is simplifying multiple page stuff. just takes the name of the arc (ie. 'Darkseid War'), looks to your arc folder (path set in the .sh file), and builds everything there. Without a cvinfo file, giving a name and pre-setting a folder made the most sense.

The numbers after series (ie. Batgirl (2011) 7149) is specifically my Ubooquity's id for Batgirl (2011)).

I realized just before posting that this is tailored to my personal setup, ( comic filenames with 3 digit number, no visible title ). So it should be possible to use this or tweak it for others.

But here's what you get if it all works:

I'll look into dividing by publisher, but it's low on the priority list atm.

To use this, dump the contents of in your root comics folder. I left my 2 arcs in there as examples, but they can be deleted. Set your keys and paths, and hopefully it just works.

Wow, that's pretty slick. A bit beyond the scope I had planned initially (as I came into this without a plan at all :) ), but I'm not opposed to the idea. For my personal use, it's probably overkill, since I never had an issue with series description coming from the first issue.

But if you wanted to put it together, by all means.