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So right now I've got it in my Comics folder, and it's just got a generic folder icon. My plan is to edit the css and make it a button on the top bar, just haven't gotten there yet.
No worries, I edited the initial post, I sorted it out (heh). The updated Story Arc zip is posted. Now it's the matter of automating the csv build, but this at least works well in the interim.
If you're setup like you had said, if the root Comics folder isn't shared, it's not going to load correctly. My comics share is just the single line for the root folder.
As for why both aren't showing without comics, I probably should've mentioned this needs you to uncheck the Hide Empty Folders options in admin.
Sure, have at it. I posted a zip of my __Story Arcs folder and a replacement theme.js.
So much of this is less figuring what works in general, and more what works with this janky setup specifically.
EDIT: I got it! It was the matter of using the arclist again to sort the .cellcontainers, and trigger this after $( document ).ajaxStop
So here's where I've gotten thus far with jquery.
I manually created the arc page, and have files setup like this:
Comics > __Story Arcs (so it would be first in my list) > Justice League The Darkseid war
This is all that's in the folder:
arclist.csv looks like this (the id being the ubooquity assigned /comic/blah/ number for the series, the name being how it shows on that page)
And it's currently building this:
Right now I'm fighting with ordering, as they're added asyncronously and being a pain in the ass.
Comic Tagger might not have the order, but ComicVine does!
The making of the arc page will be just as easy as a series page, it's just the matter of linking the right issue and ordering them.
Actually, the stuff I've been working on might translate to this. I think I can make this work.
You could theoretically use jquery and write something to load an xml/txt/json with the order, then reorder based on that.
It'd be really sloppy, but possible.
As in each separate folder is shared, not Comics itself? No, that's exactly why this wouldn't work.
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Sadly that one can't really be fixed in Ubooquity currently. The way I've gotten around that is by editing the comictagger scripts in mylar to leave the title field empty. You could also try removing it manually in a standalone copy of comictagger.
Though like many other things that come up here, now I'm curious how easy that'd be to automate...